Sunday, November 25, 2018

QuantLib-Python: Simulating Paths for Correlated 1-D Stochastic Processes

This program, which is just an extension to my previous post, will create two correlated Geometric Brownian Motion processes, then request simulated paths from dedicated generator function and finally, plots all simulated paths to charts. For the two processes in this example program, correlation has been set to minus one and total of 20 paths has been requested for the both processes. Each path has maturity of one year, which has been divided into 90 time steps. This example can be generalized for higher dimensions by adjusting size of a given correlation matrix and corresponding lists of other parameters (nProcesses, names, spot, mue, sigma).

Thanks for reading my blog.

%config IPCompleter.greedy = True
from QuantLib import *
import numpy as Numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as Matplotlib

# processArray = StochasticProcessArray (Array of correlated 1-D stochastic processes)
# timeGrid = TimeGrid object
def GenerateCorrelatedPaths(processArray, timeGrid, nPaths):
    times = []; [times.append(timeGrid[t]) for t in range(len(timeGrid))]
    generator = UniformRandomGenerator()
    nProcesses = processArray.size()
    nGridSteps = len(times) - 1 # deduct initial time (0.0)
    nSteps = nGridSteps * nProcesses
    sequenceGenerator = UniformRandomSequenceGenerator(nSteps, generator)
    gaussianSequenceGenerator = GaussianRandomSequenceGenerator(sequenceGenerator)
    multiPathGenerator = GaussianMultiPathGenerator(processArray, times, gaussianSequenceGenerator)
    paths = Numpy.zeros(shape = (nPaths, nProcesses, len(timeGrid)))

    # loop through number of paths
    for i in range(nPaths):
        # request multiPath, which contains the list of paths for each process
        multiPath =
        # loop through number of processes
        for j in range(multiPath.assetNumber()):
            # request path, which contains the list of simulated prices for a process
            path = multiPath[j]
            # push prices to array
            paths[i, j, :] = Numpy.array([path[k] for k in range(len(path))])
    return paths

# create two 1-D stochastic processes
process = []
nProcesses = 2
correlation = -1.0
names = ['equity_1', 'equity_2']
spot = [100.0, 100.0]
mue = [0.01, 0.01]
sigma = [0.10, 0.10]
[process.append(GeometricBrownianMotionProcess(spot[i], mue[i], sigma[i])) for i in range(nProcesses)]
matrix = [[1.0, correlation], [correlation, 1.0]]

# create timegrid object and define number of paths
maturity = 1.0
nSteps = 90
timeGrid = TimeGrid(maturity, nSteps)
nPaths = 20

# create StochasticProcessArray object
# (array of correlated 1-D stochastic processes)
processArray = StochasticProcessArray(process, matrix)
# request simulated correlated paths for all processes
# result array dimensions: nPaths, nProcesses, len(timeGrid)
paths = GenerateCorrelatedPaths(processArray, timeGrid, nPaths)

# plot paths
f, subPlots = Matplotlib.subplots(nProcesses, sharex = True)
f.suptitle('Path simulations rho=' + str(correlation) + ', n=' + str(nPaths))

for i in range(nPaths):
    for j in range(nProcesses):
        path = paths[i, j, :]
        subPlots[j].plot(timeGrid, path)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this work. We are just getting started with QuantLib, and need to model a worst-of rainbow option (embedded in a structured note). I will try to create paths for the underlying instrument (equity) prices, then derive contingent cashflows based on those paths. Do you know of any work in QuantLib that is similar, modeling either worst-of rainbow options or structured notes?
