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from QuantLib import * import numpy as Numpy # create piecewise yield term structure class PiecewiseCurveBuilder: def __init__(self, settlementDate, dayCounter): self.helpers = [] self.settlementDate = settlementDate self.dayCounter = dayCounter # 4th constructor: DepositRateHelper(Rate rate, const shared_ptr<IborIndex> &iborIndex) def AddDeposit(self, rate, iborIndex): helper = DepositRateHelper(rate, iborIndex) self.helpers.append(helper) # 4th constructor: FraRateHelper(Rate rate, Natural monthsToStart, const shared_ptr<IborIndex> &iborIndex) def AddFRA(self, rate, monthsToStart, iborIndex): helper = FraRateHelper(rate, monthsToStart, iborIndex) self.helpers.append(helper) # 6th constructor (Real price, const Date &iborStartDate, const ext::shared_ptr<IborIndex> &iborIndex) def AddFuture(self, price, iborStartDate, iborIndex): helper = FuturesRateHelper(price, iborStartDate, iborIndex) self.helpers.append(helper) # 4th constructor: SwapRateHelper(Rate rate, const Period &tenor, const Calendar &calendar, # Frequency fixedFrequency, BusinessDayConvention fixedConvention, const DayCounter &fixedDayCount, # const shared_ptr<IborIndex> &iborIndex) def AddSwap(self, rate, periodLength, fixedCalendar, fixedFrequency, fixedConvention, fixedDayCount, floatIndex): helper = SwapRateHelper(rate, periodLength, fixedCalendar, fixedFrequency, fixedConvention, fixedDayCount, floatIndex) self.helpers.append(helper) # PiecewiseYieldCurve <ZeroYield, Linear> def GetCurveHandle(self): yieldTermStructure = PiecewiseLinearZero(self.settlementDate, self.helpers, self.dayCounter) return RelinkableYieldTermStructureHandle(yieldTermStructure) # general parameters tradeDate = Date(4, February, 2008) calendar = TARGET() dayCounter = Actual360() convention = ModifiedFollowing settlementDate = calendar.advance(tradeDate, Period(2, Days), convention) swapIndex = USDLibor(Period(3, Months)) frequency = Annual # create curve builder object Settings.instance().evaluationDate = tradeDate builder = PiecewiseCurveBuilder(settlementDate, dayCounter) # cash deposit depos = [] depos.append((0.032175, USDLibor(Period(1, Weeks)))) depos.append((0.0318125, USDLibor(Period(1, Months)))) depos.append((0.03145, USDLibor(Period(3, Months)))) [builder.AddDeposit(d[0], d[1]) for d in depos] # futures futures = [] futures.append((97.41, IMM.nextDate(settlementDate + Period(3, Months)), swapIndex)) futures.append((97.52, IMM.nextDate(settlementDate + Period(6, Months)), swapIndex)) futures.append((97.495, IMM.nextDate(settlementDate + Period(9, Months)), swapIndex)) futures.append((97.395, IMM.nextDate(settlementDate + Period(12, Months)), swapIndex)) [builder.AddFuture(f[0], f[1], f[2]) for f in futures] # swaps swaps = [] swaps.append((0.02795, Period(2, Years), calendar, frequency, convention, dayCounter, swapIndex)) swaps.append((0.03035, Period(3, Years), calendar, frequency, convention, dayCounter, swapIndex)) swaps.append((0.03275, Period(4, Years), calendar, frequency, convention, dayCounter, swapIndex)) swaps.append((0.03505, Period(5, Years), calendar, frequency, convention, dayCounter, swapIndex)) swaps.append((0.03715, Period(6, Years), calendar, frequency, convention, dayCounter, swapIndex)) swaps.append((0.03885, Period(7, Years), calendar, frequency, convention, dayCounter, swapIndex)) swaps.append((0.04025, Period(8, Years), calendar, frequency, convention, dayCounter, swapIndex)) swaps.append((0.04155, Period(9, Years), calendar, frequency, convention, dayCounter, swapIndex)) swaps.append((0.04265, Period(10, Years), calendar, frequency, convention, dayCounter, swapIndex)) swaps.append((0.04435, Period(12, Years), calendar, frequency, convention, dayCounter, swapIndex)) [builder.AddSwap(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], s[5], s[6]) for s in swaps] # get relinkable curve handle from builder curve = builder.GetCurveHandle() curve.enableExtrapolation() # create and print array of discount factors for every 3M up to 15Y times = Numpy.linspace(0.0, 15.0, 61) dfs = Numpy.array([ for t in times]) print(dfs)
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