Sunday, December 14, 2014

Write/read dynamic matrix between Excel and C# with Excel-DNA

This time I wanted to share some quick technical information about how to write or read dynamic matrix between Excel and C# program with Excel-DNA. The scheme what I am presenting here, applies to the case in which we use Excel as input/output platform for some C# program. By saying dynamic matrix, I am referring to the case, in which the dimensions of the input or output matrix are not known at compile time.

To make the long story shorter, you can use the existing program already presented in this blog posting as a base for this new example program. Just replace the content of ExcelInterface.cs file with the information given below.


using System;
using ExcelDna.Integration;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ExcelInterface
    public static class ExcelInterface
        private static dynamic Excel;
        public static void execute()
                // Create Excel application and random number generator
                Excel = ExcelDnaUtil.Application;
                Random random = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
                int rows = (int)Excel.Range("_rows").Value2;
                int cols = (int)Excel.Range("_cols").Value2;
                double[,] matrix = new double[rows, cols];
                // fill matrix with random numbers
                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
                        matrix[i, j] = random.NextDouble();
                // clear old data from output range by using Range.CurrentRegion property
                Excel.Range["_output"].CurrentRegion = "";
                // resize output range to match with the dimensions of newly created random matrix
                Excel.Range["_output"].Resize[rows, cols] = matrix;
                object[,] input = (object[,])Excel.Range["_output"].CurrentRegion.Value2;
                rows = input.GetUpperBound(0);
                cols = input.GetUpperBound(1);
                double sum = 0.0;
                // sum all matrix items, calculate average and write it back to Excel
                foreach (object item in input) sum += (double)item;
                Excel.Range["_average"] = (sum / (rows * cols));
            catch (Exception e)

In a nutshell, after creating ExcelDnaUtil.Application, we are able to use some extremely useful properties for manipulating Excel.Range object, such as CurrentRegion, Offset and Resize.


Dimensions for dynamic matrix output are given by the user in cells F4 and F5. Output matrix is printed to cell B8 (top left cell of output matrix). Input matrix is the same as output matrix and the C#-processed output (arithmetic average of all input matrix values) is printed into cell F6.

We have to set a couple of named Excel ranges for C# program. All the needed four named ranges are given in the screenshot below.

After implementing these range names, create a new button (Forms Controls) to this worksheet and put our C# program name into Macro box (execute). By doing this, we can get rid of the VBA code (Application.Run) completely. Any public static void method in our .NET code will be registered by Excel-DNA as a macro in Excel. Thanks for this tip to Govert Van Drimmelen (the inventor and author of Excel-DNA). After implementing all these steps, we are ready to use the program.

The purpose of this posting was to show how to handle dynamic data IO to/from Excel in C# program with Excel-DNA. For learning more things about Excel-DNA, check out its homepage. Getting more information and examples with your problems, the main source is Excel-DNA google group. Excel-DNA is an open-source project, and we (the happy users) can invest its future development by making a donation.

Thanks for reading my blog and happy waiting until Christmas.



  1. Hi,

    Thanks very much for your example code above. I've had fun with this over the holiday break. And of course many kudos to Govert van Drimmelen for Excel-DNA which has been a revelation and I'm tempted to convert our VSTO AddIn to use it.

    I modified your code a little so you don't have to define an explicit named range and don't have to invoke the action from a form button.... simply enter ''=MY_RANDOM_ARRAY(10,10)" to get a 10x10 matrix of random doubles at the top of the sheet. (I was lazy.)

    [ExcelFunction("Matrix of random doubles")]
    public static void MY_RANDOM_ARRAY(int rows, int cols)
    var rnd = new Random();
    double[,] rndArray = new double[cols, rows];
    for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
    rndArray[i, j] = rnd.NextDouble();

    Task.Run(() =>
    ExcelAsyncUtil.QueueAsMacro(() =>
    dynamic Excel = ExcelDnaUtil.Application;
    Excel.Range["A1"].CurrentRegion = "";
    Excel.Range["A1"].Resize[rows, cols] = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(rndArray);

    Best regards,
    Arvindra Sehmi

    1. P.S. The transpose isn't necessary if rndArray is created rows x cols as opposed to cols x rows. I was experimenting.

  2. Thanks a lot for your contribution on this topic, Arvindra! Your solution looks cool and have to check it out tomorrow : )
    Happy new year! Mikael
