Friday, July 5, 2019

Python: JSON serialization/deserialization

Previous story continues. This post will present one possible implementation for JSON serialization/deserialization. Class JsonHandler (technically just a wrapper for json.load and json.dump methods) has only two methods: FileToObject will re-hydrate JSON file content to a custom object (deserialization) and ObjectToFile will hydrate custom object into JSON file content (serialization).

Class serialization using Python json package works fine with class data members, which are built-in Python data types (ex. integer, string, boolean, float, list, dictionary). However, custom data types such as class instance as data member are non-serializable. JsonHandler cannot handle such non-serializable data types either. As a safety net for facing such case, ObjectToFile method will automatically remove all non-serializable items from dictionary before serialization. For handling this type of serialization issues, I assume there are several more sophisticated third-party packages available.

Finally, it should be noted that when performing deserialization, JsonHandler transforms JSON string into dictionary, then transforms dictionary into object. Correspondingly, when performing serialization, it transforms object into dictionary, then transforms dictionary into JSON string. These operations (including nested methods) are adding some extra complexity into this otherwise simple and straightforward utility class.

Assume we would like to hydrate (serialize) Configurations class instance into JSON file. Note, that this class is actually containing non-serializable data type as its data member (class Whatever). This specific data member will be completely ignored in a process of serialization. However, as JSON file will be deserialized, instance of data member G will be created on class Configurations constructor, based on data members A and B (which are both serializable data types).

import json

# class for handling transformations between custom object and JSON file
class JsonHandler:
    # transform json file to custom object
    def FileToObject(file):
        # nested function: transform dictionary to custom object
        def DictionaryToObject(dic):
            if("__class__" in dic):
                class_name = dic.pop("__class__")
                module_name = dic.pop("__module__")
                module = __import__(module_name)
                class_ = getattr(module, class_name)
                obj = class_(**dic)
                obj = dic
            return obj        
        return DictionaryToObject(json.load(open(file, 'r')))
    # transform custom object to json file
    def ObjectToFile(obj, file):
        # nested function: check whether an object can be json serialized
        def IsSerializable(obj):
            check = True
                # throws, if an object is not serializable
                check = False
            return check
        # nested function: transform custom object to dictionary
        def ObjectToDictionary(obj):
            dic = { "__class__": obj.__class__.__name__, "__module__": obj.__module__ }            
            # remove all non-serializable items from dictionary before serialization
            keysToBeRemoved = []
            for k, v in dic.items():
                if(IsSerializable(v) == False):
            [dic.pop(k, None) for k in keysToBeRemoved]
            return dic
        json.dump(ObjectToDictionary(obj), open(file, 'w'))

class Configurations(object):
    def __init__(self, A, B, C, D, E, F):
        # serializable data types
        self.A = A
        self.B = B
        self.C = C
        self.D = D
        self.E = E
        self.F = F
        # non-serializable data type
        self.G = Whatever(A, B)
class Whatever(object):
    def __init__(self, A, B):
        self.A = A
        self.B = B

# create class instance using 'primitive types'
new_config = Configurations(100, 3.14, True, [1, 2, 3], 'qwerty', { 'd1':1, 'd2':2 })

# print class members
print('printing data members of a newly created class instance:')

# write object to json file
JsonHandler.ObjectToFile(new_config, '/home/mikejuniperhill/config.json')

# read object from json file
restored_config = JsonHandler.FileToObject('/home/mikejuniperhill/config.json')

print('printing data members of a restored class instance:')

Program execution in terminal is shown below.

Thanks for reading.

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