Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Python-SciPy: Solving Zero-Coupon Term Structure Using Optimization

This post is presenting how to use Python SciPy Optimization package for solving out zero-coupon rate term structure from a given set of zero-coupon bond prices. Needless to say, we do not need any numerical method to do this, since we have exact analytical formulas for backing out zero-coupon rates from zero-coupon bond prices. However, approach presented in this relatively simple example can be applied into more interesting schemes, such as solving out smooth Libor forward curve from a given set of vanilla swaps. Example of such scheme using Solver and Excel/VBA can be found in here.

Let us assume zero-coupon rate term structure as shown below. Let us also assume, that the only information we can observe is the zero-coupon bond prices. Our task is to solve zero-coupon rates term structure.

In a nutshell, we first set initial guesses for ten zero-coupon rates. After this we minimize sum of squared differences between adjacent zero-coupon rates (in objective function), but subject to constraints. In this case, constraints are differences between observed zero-coupon bond market prices and calculated bond prices, which need to be pushed to zero. When this optimization task has been completed, the resulting zero-coupon term structure will successfully re-price the current zero-coupon bond market, while curve smoothness is maximized. Example program results are shown below.

Thanks for reading this blog.

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

# sum of squared errors of decision variables
def ObjectiveFunction(x, args):
    return np.sum(np.power(np.diff(x), 2) * args[0])

# zero coupon bond pricing function
def ZeroCouponBond(x, args):
    # return difference between calculated and market price
    return ((1 / (1 + x[args[3]])**args[2]) - args[0]) * args[1]

# zero coupon bond pricing functions as constraints
# args: market price, scaling factor, maturity, index number for rate array
zeroPrices = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': ZeroCouponBond, 'args': [[0.998801438274071, 1000000.0, 1.0, 0]]},
            {'type': 'eq', 'fun': ZeroCouponBond, 'args': [[0.996210802629012, 1000000.0, 2.0, 1]]},
            {'type': 'eq', 'fun': ZeroCouponBond, 'args': [[0.991943543964159, 1000000.0, 3.0, 2]]},
            {'type': 'eq', 'fun': ZeroCouponBond, 'args': [[0.981028206597786, 1000000.0, 4.0, 3]]},
            {'type': 'eq', 'fun': ZeroCouponBond, 'args': [[0.962851266220459, 1000000.0, 5.0, 4]]},
            {'type': 'eq', 'fun': ZeroCouponBond, 'args': [[0.946534719794057, 1000000.0, 6.0, 5]]},
            {'type': 'eq', 'fun': ZeroCouponBond, 'args': [[0.924997530805076, 1000000.0, 7.0, 6]]},
            {'type': 'eq', 'fun': ZeroCouponBond, 'args': [[0.912584111300984, 1000000.0, 8.0, 7]]},
            {'type': 'eq', 'fun': ZeroCouponBond, 'args': [[0.892632531026722, 1000000.0, 9.0, 8]]},
            {'type': 'eq', 'fun': ZeroCouponBond, 'args': [[0.877098137542374, 1000000.0, 10.0, 9]]})

# initial guesses for ten zero-coupon rates
initialGuess = np.full(10, 0.005)
model = opt.minimize(ObjectiveFunction, initialGuess, args = ([1000000.0]), method = 'SLSQP', constraints = zeroPrices)

# print selected model results
print('Success: ' + str(model.success))
print('Message: ' + str(model.message))
print('Number of iterations: ' + str(model.nit))
print('Objective function (sum of squared errors): ' + str(model.fun))
print('Changing variables (zero-coupon rates): ' + str(model.x * 100))

Friday, April 26, 2019

Python: Path Generator for Correlated Processes

One reader was interested to know, how to simulate correlated asset paths by using just Python libraries, without using QuantLib. This blog post is presenting the result of woodshedding this stuff. A couple of notes:
  • GeneratePaths method can be used to simulate paths for a single process or multiple processes, based on a given (or non-existing) correlation matrix.
  • Method returns Numpy array having dimensions based on the given number of processes, number of paths and number of time steps.
  • Discretized stochastic processes for generator method to be simulated are defined as lambda methods. This approach makes it relatively easy to implement (almost) any desired single-factor model.
The program is enough commented and should be self-explainable. Thanks for reading this blog.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

# returns ndarray with the following dimensions: nProcesses, nPaths, nSteps
def GeneratePaths(spot, process, maturity, nSteps, nPaths, correlation = None):
    dt = maturity / nSteps
    # case: given correlation matrix, create paths for multiple correlated processes
    if (isinstance(correlation, np.ndarray)):
        nProcesses = process.shape[0]
        result = np.zeros(shape = (nProcesses, nPaths, nSteps))
        # loop through number of paths
        for i in range(nPaths):
            # create one set of correlated random variates for n processes
            choleskyMatrix = np.linalg.cholesky(correlation)
            e = np.random.normal(size = (nProcesses, nSteps))            
            paths = np.dot(choleskyMatrix, e)
            # loop through number of steps
            for j in range(nSteps):
                # loop through number of processes
                for k in range(nProcesses):
                    # first path value is always current spot price
                    if(j == 0):
                        result[k, i, j] = paths[k, j] = spot[k]
                        # use SDE lambdas (inputs: previous spot, dt, current random variate)
                        result[k, i, j] = paths[k, j] = process[k](paths[k, j - 1], dt, paths[k, j])

    # case: no given correlation matrix, create paths for a single process
        result = np.zeros(shape = (1, nPaths, nSteps))
        # loop through number of paths
        for i in range(nPaths):
            # create one set of random variates for one process
            path = np.random.normal(size = nSteps)
            # first path value is always current spot price
            result[0, i, 0] = path[0] = spot
            # loop through number of steps
            for j in range(nSteps):
                if(j > 0):
                    # use SDE lambda (inputs: previous spot, dt, current random variate)
                    result[0, i, j] = path[j] = process(path[j - 1], dt, path[j])
    return result

# Geometric Brownian Motion parameters
r = 0.03
v = 0.25

# define lambda for process (inputs: spot, dt, random variate)
BrownianMotion = lambda s, dt, e: s + r * s * dt + v * s * np.sqrt(dt) * e   

# general simulation-related parameters
maturity = 1.0
nPaths = 10
nSteps = 250

# case: one process
SingleAssetPaths = GeneratePaths(100.0, BrownianMotion, maturity, nSteps, nPaths)
for i in range(nPaths):
    pl.plot(SingleAssetPaths[0, i, :])

# case: two correlated processes
matrix = np.array([[1.0, 0.999999], [0.999999, 1.0]])
spots = np.array([100.0, 100.0])
processes = np.array([BrownianMotion, BrownianMotion])
MultiAssetPaths = GeneratePaths(spots, processes, maturity, nSteps, nPaths, matrix)
f, subPlots = pl.subplots(processes.shape[0], sharex = True)
for i in range(processes.shape[0]): 
    for j in range(nPaths):
        subPlots[i].plot(MultiAssetPaths[i, j, :])