Tuesday, December 4, 2018

QuantLib-Python: Term Structure Simulation Using HW1F Model

This post is presenting Python program, which uses QuantLib tools for simulating yield term structure for the chosen one-factor interest rate model. Further comparison results are also showing, that simulation method is able to replicate the initial yield curve, without any notable differences.

The idea is this: create yield curve object by using current market data (flat forward) and 1-D stochastic process for short rate dynamics (Hull-White). Then, use separate method (GeneratePaths) for generating desired amount of paths for a chosen stochastic process. Next, integrate short-rate for all simulated paths and calculate average zero-coupon bond prices. Finally, create a new yield curve object by using previously simulated zero-coupon bond prices and compare the resulting set of discount factors with the ones requested from the original yield curve. It should be noted, that there is a separate class (Grid), which is used for hosting all schedule-related information (such as schedule, dates and times) and their conversions (from schedule to times, from schedule to dates) in one compact place.

From the screenshot below we can conclude, that as
  • the data and the other parameters are within "sensible ranges", 
  • the number of paths is large enough and 
  • discretization error is minimized by selecting a small enough time step, 

simulated yield curve is able to replicate the initial yield curve without any notable differences. Some relevant issues around this particular topic has been chewed in here and here. The same stuff (and a lot more) has also been published in QuantLib Python Cookbook by the blog author Gouthaman Balaraman and QuantLib lead developer Luigi Ballabio.

Finally, outside of being a nice QuantLib exercise itself, there is not much point to simulate zero-coupon bond prices. Needless to say, the essence of Monte Carlo method (simulate a path, create term structure from it, price a product) can be used for much more interesting valuation problems.

Thanks for reading my blog.

%config IPCompleter.greedy = True
import math as Math
from QuantLib import *
import numpy as Numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as Matplotlib

def main():

    # create grid object for 30Y, having time step of 1 day
    startDate = Date(3, December, 2018)
    endDate = Date(3, December, 2048)
    tenor = Period(1, Days)
    grid = Grid(startDate, endDate, tenor)

    # create yield curve and Hull-White one-factor interest rate model
    curve = YieldTermStructureHandle(FlatForward(startDate, 0.04875825, Actual365Fixed()))
    reversionSpeed = 0.05
    rateVolatility = 0.00586
    process = HullWhiteProcess(curve, reversionSpeed, rateVolatility)

    # request paths from generator method
    nPaths = 25000
    paths = GeneratePaths(process, grid.GetTimeGrid(), nPaths)

    # container for simulated zero-coupon bonds
    zeros = Numpy.zeros(shape = (grid.GetSize()))
    dt = grid.GetDt()
    gridSize = grid.GetSize()

    # process short-rate path integrations for all simulated paths
    for i in range(nPaths):
        integral = 0.0
        for j in range(gridSize):
            integral = integral + paths[i, j]
            if(j == 0):
                # zero-coupon bond price today is 1.0
                zeros[j] = 1.0 * nPaths
                zeros[j] = zeros[j] + Math.exp(-integral * dt)

    # calculate averages for all simulated zero-coupon bond prices
    zeros = zeros / nPaths

    # create yield term structure object from simulated bond prices
    times = grid.GetTimes()
    dates = grid.GetDates()
    simulatedCurve = DiscountCurve(dates, zeros, Actual365Fixed(), NullCalendar())

    # get discount factors for simulated and original yield curves
    dfs = Numpy.zeros(shape = (gridSize))
    simulatedDfs = Numpy.zeros(shape = (gridSize))
    for i in range(gridSize):
        simulatedDfs[i] = simulatedCurve.discount(times[i])
        dfs[i] = curve.discount(times[i])

    # plot simulated and original discount factors
    Matplotlib.title('discount factors')
    Matplotlib.plot(times, simulatedDfs, linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'simulated curve')
    Matplotlib.plot(times, dfs, linestyle = 'solid', label = 'original curve')

    # plot difference between simulated and original discount factors in basis points
    Matplotlib.title('difference (bps)')
    Matplotlib.plot(times, (dfs - simulatedDfs) * 10000)

# path generator method for uncorrelated and correlated 1-D stochastic processes
def GeneratePaths(process, timeGrid, n):

    # correlated processes, use GaussianMultiPathGenerator
    if(type(process) == StochasticProcessArray):
        times = []; [times.append(timeGrid[t]) for t in range(len(timeGrid))]        
        nGridSteps = (len(times) - 1) * process.size()
        sequenceGenerator = UniformRandomSequenceGenerator(nGridSteps, UniformRandomGenerator())
        gaussianSequenceGenerator = GaussianRandomSequenceGenerator(sequenceGenerator)
        pathGenerator = GaussianMultiPathGenerator(process, times, gaussianSequenceGenerator, False)        
        paths = Numpy.zeros(shape = (n, process.size(), len(timeGrid)))
        # loop through number of paths
        for i in range(n):
            # request multiPath, which contains the list of paths for each process
            multiPath = pathGenerator.next().value()
            # loop through number of processes
            for j in range(multiPath.assetNumber()):
                # request path, which contains the list of simulated prices for a process
                path = multiPath[j]
                # push prices to array
                paths[i, j, :] = Numpy.array([path[k] for k in range(len(path))])
        # resulting array dimension: n, process.size(), len(timeGrid)
        return paths

    # uncorrelated processes, use GaussianPathGenerator
        sequenceGenerator = UniformRandomSequenceGenerator(len(timeGrid), UniformRandomGenerator())
        gaussianSequenceGenerator = GaussianRandomSequenceGenerator(sequenceGenerator)
        maturity = timeGrid[len(timeGrid) - 1]
        pathGenerator = GaussianPathGenerator(process, maturity, len(timeGrid), gaussianSequenceGenerator, False)
        paths = Numpy.zeros(shape = (n, len(timeGrid)))
        for i in range(n):
            path = pathGenerator.next().value()
            paths[i, :] = Numpy.array([path[j] for j in range(len(timeGrid))])
        # resulting array dimension: n, len(timeGrid)
        return paths

# class for hosting schedule-related information (dates, times)
class Grid:
    def __init__(self, startDate, endDate, tenor):
        # create date schedule, ignore conventions and calendars
        self.schedule = Schedule(startDate, endDate, tenor, NullCalendar(), 
            Unadjusted, Unadjusted, DateGeneration.Forward, False)
        self.dayCounter = Actual365Fixed()
    def GetDates(self):
        # get list of scheduled dates
        dates = []
        [dates.append(self.schedule[i]) for i in range(self.GetSize())]
        return dates
    def GetTimes(self):
        # get list of scheduled times
        times = []
        [times.append(self.dayCounter.yearFraction(self.schedule[0], self.schedule[i])) 
            for i in range(self.GetSize())]
        return times
    def GetMaturity(self):
        # get maturity in time units
        return self.dayCounter.yearFraction(self.schedule[0], self.schedule[self.GetSteps()])
    def GetSteps(self):
        # get number of steps in schedule
        return self.GetSize() - 1    
    def GetSize(self):
        # get total number of items in schedule
        return len(self.schedule)    
    def GetTimeGrid(self):
        # get QuantLib TimeGrid object, constructed by using list of scheduled times
        return TimeGrid(self.GetTimes(), self.GetSize())
    def GetDt(self):
        # get constant time step
        return self.GetMaturity() / self.GetSteps()

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Thank you very much for sharing
    Kind regards,
    Ben, Frankfurt
