Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bloomberg V3COM API wrapper update 2 for VBA

I am finally publishing some updates (hopefully also improvements) to the existing version for Bloomberg BCOM wrapper. If you are not familiar with the previous versions, you might want to take a look at these first.

Three interface functions

With this updated version, I have now decided to break the class public interface function (previously getData function) into three separate functions. Handling all those different mandatory/optional input parameters for all different types of market data started to be a bit too messy operation to handle and public interface function mutated itself into a scary-looking monster. However, I still have not compromised the basic principle which says, that the wrapper is a compact one-module entity, which can be imported easily into your new VBA project. So, everything is (and hopefully will be) inside one class module. Anyway, to be more specific about the new public function interfaces, we have now three separate public functions for different types of data queries:
  1. referenceData
  2. bulkReferenceData
  3. historicalData
I assume that you are familiar of these data query types already. If not, then read those previous posts. Now, let us investigate these function interfaces a bit to be able to understand, what has been changed.

For referenceData, the new class interface function has been defined to be the following:

Public Function referenceData(ByRef securities As Variant, _
    ByRef fields As Variant, _
    Optional ByRef overrideFields As Variant, _
    Optional ByRef overrideValues As Variant) As Variant

Needless to say, we still need to give arrays for securities (Bloomberg tickers with yellow key) and fields (Bloomberg field names).

Field override in Bloomberg

What is new here, is the override optionality. To implement an override to any field, we need to set up one array for override field names and another for override values. Excellent source for investigating possible override options for a field, is Bloomberg itself and its FLDS function. For example, you can test the override in your Bloomberg with the following commands:

IBM US Equity <GO>
write best eps into FLDS query input box and press ENTER
mouse-click BEST_EPS

You should now have a view for all the fields, which can be overriden for this specific field (BEST_EPS). Just for an example, if you select BEST_FPERIOD_OVERRIDE (default value = 1FY) to be 3FY, you can see that the value for BEST_EPS also changes. And so on. If you play with this FLDS for a while, you should become pretty comfortable with this override possibility in Bloomberg. Personally I have to give a credit for Bloomy people for giving out this function, since it is a really great tool, which truly increases your productivity. There is an example tester program given for reference data retrieving in the code section below, with and without override. If you already did not know, you can retrieve multiple fields for multiple securities, as that example program shows. 

Next, we have bulkReferenceData. The new class public interface function has been defined to be the following:

Public Function bulkReferenceData(ByRef securities As Variant, _
    ByRef fields As Variant, _
    Optional ByRef overrideFields As Variant, _
    Optional ByRef overrideValues As Variant) As Variant

Nothing else has been changed, except we have now override possibility also for this type of data retrieving. Using override follows exactly, what has been presented above for reference data. I guess that most of the people will retrieve option chains, bond chains or curve member chains from Bloomberg. If you are not familiar what kind of overrides you can have for a chain, use FLDS again (BOND_CHAIN, OPT_CHAIN, INDX_MEMBERS). There is an example tester program given for bulk reference data retrieving in the code section below, with and without override. It should be noted also, that you can also retrieve chains for multiple securities, as that example program shows. Because the function returns a multidimensional array, there might be some further labour needed for handling this array for empty items. However, if you are comfortable enough with VBA arrays, this should not be any tombstone for your project.

Finally, we have the trickiest one, historicalData. Function interface has been defined to be the following:

Public Function historicalData(ByRef securities As Variant, _
    ByRef fields As Variant, _
    ByVal startDate As Date, _
    ByVal endDate As Date, _
    Optional ByVal calendarCodeOverride As String, _
    Optional ByVal currencyCode As String, _
    Optional ByVal nonTradingDayFillOption As String, _
    Optional ByVal nonTradingDayFillMethod As String, _
    Optional ByVal periodicityAdjustment As String, _
    Optional ByVal periodicitySelection As String, _
    Optional ByVal maxDataPoints As Integer, _
    Optional ByVal pricingOption As String, _
    Optional ByRef overrideFields As Variant, _
    Optional ByRef overrideValues As Variant) As Variant

Note the large amount of optional parameters for historical data. If you are familiar with Bloomberg BDH function, you may notice, that these optional parameters above are exactly the same what are being used in that BDH function. Let us go through the optional parameters:
  • calendarCodeOverride - Returns the data based on the calendar of the specified country, exchange or religion from CDR <GO>. Taking a two character calendar code null terminated string. This will cause the data to be aligned according to the calendar and including calendar holidays. This only applies to daily requests.
  • currencyCode - Amends the value from local currency of the security to the desired currency. Currency of the ISO code. Eg. USD, GBP.
  • nonTradingDayFillOption - Sets whether to include or exclude Non-Trading Days when no data is available. NON_TRADING_WEEKDAYS, ALL_CALENDAR_DAYS or ACTIVE_DAYS_ONLY (default).
  • nonTradingDayFillMethod - Formats the type of data returned for non-trading days. PREVIOUS_VALUE (default) or NIL_VALUE.
  • periodicityAdjustment - Sets the periodicity of the data. ACTUAL, CALENDAR (default) or FISCAL.
  • periodicitySelection - DAILY (default), WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMI_ANNUALLY or YEARLY.
  • maxDataPoints - The number of periods to download from the end date.  The response will contain up to X data points, where X is the integer specified. If the original data set is larger than X, the response will be a subset, containing the last X data points. Hence the first range of data points will be removed. Any positive integer.
  • pricingOption - Sets quote to Price or Yield for a debt instrument. PRICING_OPTION_PRICE or PRICING_OPTION_YIELD (default for debt instrument).
These definitions for optional parameters given above, are copy-pasted from Bloomberg WAPI site. The best way to learn what kind of effect these parameters has on your result data, is just to play with parameters. There are also some override possibilities for historical data request and these are following the same principles as presented within the previous sections. If you want to know what kind of fields can be overriden for historical data retrieving, consult WAPI<GO> or contact Bloomberg help desk. To be honest, I am not so familiar with overriding fields for historical data.

Data array inconsistency for historical data - the problem

With this updated version for historical data, it is now possible to retrieve historical data also for multiple fields and multiple securities. However, one really annoying feature for this historical data retrieving for multiple securities is the fact, that the dates for different securities are not necessarily matching inside arrays. I mean, that for an array item n
  • security A has a date of 12.8.2013 for the item
  • security B has a date of 15.8.2013 for the item
  • security C has a date of 13.8.2013 for the item 
Technically speaking, you could do a separate function for handling this problem. First you get raw data for all n securities. After this, you pick up one security to be "reference security" for dates. Then you loop through the whole data set (n-1 securities left) and fetch data for "reference security dates" for all those securities left. Then you also need to define a rule for missing data. For example, use previous value if security does not have observation for a give date, and so on. So, even it should not be "intellectually too challenging", for sure it means a lot of extra churning with your code. So, what to do? 

The solution

Because of all those ingenious optional parameters implemented, there is an elegant way to overcome this problem. We give the following optional parameters for wrapper when retrieving historical data
  • nonTradingDayFillOption = ALL_CALENDAR_DAYS
  • nonTradingDayFillMethod = PREVIOUS_VALUE.
There is an example tester program for retrieving historical data with these optional parameters implemented. It shows that by employing this method, your data arrays for different securities will be "date consistent" with each other. Make sure, that you have "Sheet1" existing in your Excel, since all tester programs are printing out the result data into this worksheet. Final note: do not forget to declare Bloomberg V3COM API library: VBA editor (ALT+F11) - Tools - References -  Bloomberg API COM 3.x Type Library.


The biggest improvement for this version has been the optionality for field value overrides. Second improvement has been the possibility for retrieving data for multiple securities (bulk reference and historical data) and multiple fields (historical data). I have tested example programs and they should be working correctly. If you observe anything unusual going on with wrapper, just leave a comment for me.

My personal Thank You this time goes to Faizal from Singapore. As I have been gradually working with this wrapper, he has been giving me 1) some proper motivation to work, 2) valuable suggestions and comments, and 3) extremely valuable help for testing this wrapper with real-life data sets.

Anyway, have a great start for autumn and thanks for reading my blog. I hope you got something to make your life a bit easier when working with Bloomberg market data in VBA.


' VBA standard module
Option Explicit
Private b As BCOM_wrapper
Private r As Variant
Private s() As String
Private f() As String
Private overrideFields() As String
Private overrideValues() As String
Sub tester_referenceData()
    ' create wrapper object
    Set b = New BCOM_wrapper
    ' create 3 securities and 4 fields
    ReDim s(0 To 2): s(0) = "GS US Equity": s(1) = "DBK GR Equity": s(2) = "JPM US Equity"
    ReDim f(0 To 3): f(0) = "SECURITY_NAME": f(1) = "BEST_EPS": f(2) = "BEST_PE_RATIO": f(3) = "BEST_DIV_YLD"
    ' retrieve result from wrapper into array and print
    r = b.referenceData(s, f)
    printReferenceData r
    ' create 1 override for fields
    ReDim overrideFields(0 To 0): overrideFields(0) = "BEST_FPERIOD_OVERRIDE"
    ReDim overrideValues(0 To 0): overrideValues(0) = "3FY"
    ' retrieve result from wrapper into array and print
    r = b.referenceData(s, f, overrideFields, overrideValues)
    printReferenceData r
    ' release wrapper object
    Set b = Nothing
End Sub
Sub tester_bulkReferenceData()
    ' create wrapper object
    Set b = New BCOM_wrapper
    ' create 3 securities and 1 fields
    ReDim s(0 To 2): s(0) = "GS US Equity": s(1) = "DBK GR Equity": s(2) = "JPM US Equity"
    ReDim f(0 To 0): f(0) = "BOND_CHAIN"
    ' retrieve result from wrapper into array and print
    r = b.bulkReferenceData(s, f)
    printBulkReferenceData r
    ' create 2 overrides for chain
    ReDim overrideFields(0 To 1): overrideFields(0) = "CHAIN_CURRENCY": overrideFields(1) = "CHAIN_COUPON_TYPE"
    ReDim overrideValues(0 To 1): overrideValues(0) = "JPY": overrideValues(1) = "FLOATING"
    ' retrieve result from wrapper into array and print
    r = b.bulkReferenceData(s, f, overrideFields, overrideValues)
    printBulkReferenceData r
    ' release wrapper object
    Set b = Nothing
End Sub
Sub tester_historicalData()
    ' create wrapper object
    Set b = New BCOM_wrapper
    ' create 3 securities and 4 fields
    ReDim s(0 To 2): s(0) = "GS US Equity": s(1) = "DBK GR Equity": s(2) = "JPM US Equity"
    ReDim f(0 To 3): f(0) = "PX_OPEN": f(1) = "PX_LOW": f(2) = "PX_HIGH": f(3) = "PX_LAST"
    ' retrieve result from wrapper into array
    r = b.historicalData(s, f, CDate("21.8.2008"), CDate("21.8.2013"), , , "ALL_CALENDAR_DAYS", "PREVIOUS_VALUE")
    printHistoricalData r
    ' release wrapper object
    Set b = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function printReferenceData(ByRef data As Variant)
    Dim rng As Range: Set rng = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    For i = 0 To UBound(data, 1)
        For j = 0 To UBound(data, 2)
            rng(i + 1, j + 1) = data(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
End Function
Private Function printBulkReferenceData(ByRef data As Variant)
    Dim rng As Range: Set rng = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    For i = 0 To UBound(data, 1)
        For j = 0 To UBound(data, 2)
            rng(j + 1, i + 1) = data(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
End Function
Private Function printHistoricalData(ByRef data As Variant)
    Dim rng As Range: Set rng = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long: k = 1
    On Error Resume Next
    For i = 0 To UBound(data, 1)
        For j = 0 To UBound(data, 2)
            rng(j + 1, i + k) = data(i, j)(0)
            rng(j + 1, i + k + 1) = data(i, j)(1)
            rng(j + 1, i + k + 2) = data(i, j)(2)
            rng(j + 1, i + k + 3) = data(i, j)(3)
        Next j
        k = k + 3
    Next i
End Function

' VBA Class module, name = BCOM_wrapper
Option Explicit
' public enumerator for request type
End Enum
' constants
Private Const CONST_SERVICE_TYPE As String = "//blp/refdata"
Private Const CONST_REQUEST_TYPE_REFERENCE As String = "ReferenceDataRequest"
Private Const CONST_REQUEST_TYPE_BULK_REFERENCE As String = "ReferenceDataRequest"
Private Const CONST_REQUEST_TYPE_HISTORICAL As String = "HistoricalDataRequest"
' private data structures
Private bInputSecurityArray() As String
Private bInputFieldArray() As String
Private bOutputArray As Variant
Private bOverrideFieldArray() As String
Private bOverrideValueArray() As String
' BCOM objects
Private bSession As blpapicomLib2.session
Private bService As blpapicomLib2.Service
Private bRequest As blpapicomLib2.request
Private bSecurityArray As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bFieldArray As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bEvent As blpapicomLib2.Event
Private bIterator As blpapicomLib2.MessageIterator
Private bIteratorData As blpapicomLib2.Message
Private bSecurities As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bSecurity As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bSecurityName As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bSecurityField As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bFieldValue As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bSequenceNumber As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bFields As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bField As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bDataPoint As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bOverrides As blpapicomLib2.element
Private bOverrideArray() As blpapicomLib2.element
' class non-object data members
Private bStartDate As String
Private bEndDate As String
Private bRequestType As ENUM_REQUEST_TYPE
Private nSecurities As Long
Private nSecurity As Long
Private bCalendarCodeOverride As String
Private bCurrencyCode As String
Private bNonTradingDayFillOption As String
Private bNonTradingDayFillMethod As String
Private bPeriodicityAdjustment As String
Private bPeriodicitySelection As String
Private bMaxDataPoints As Integer
Private bPricingOption As String
Public Function referenceData(ByRef securities As Variant, _
    ByRef fields As Variant, _
    Optional ByRef overrideFields As Variant, _
    Optional ByRef overrideValues As Variant) As Variant
    ' mandatory user input parameters
    bRequestType = REFERENCE_DATA
    bInputSecurityArray = securities
    bInputFieldArray = fields
    ' field names and values for overrides
    If Not (VBA.IsMissing(overrideFields)) Then bOverrideFieldArray = overrideFields
    If Not (VBA.IsMissing(overrideValues)) Then bOverrideValueArray = overrideValues
    referenceData = bOutputArray
End Function
Public Function bulkReferenceData(ByRef securities As Variant, _
    ByRef fields As Variant, _
    Optional ByRef overrideFields As Variant, _
    Optional ByRef overrideValues As Variant) As Variant
    ' mandatory user input parameters
    bRequestType = BULK_REFERENCE_DATA
    bInputSecurityArray = securities
    bInputFieldArray = fields
    ' field names and values for overrides
    If Not (VBA.IsMissing(overrideFields)) Then bOverrideFieldArray = overrideFields
    If Not (VBA.IsMissing(overrideValues)) Then bOverrideValueArray = overrideValues
    bulkReferenceData = bOutputArray
End Function
Public Function historicalData(ByRef securities As Variant, _
    ByRef fields As Variant, _
    ByVal startDate As Date, _
    ByVal endDate As Date, _
    Optional ByVal calendarCodeOverride As String, _
    Optional ByVal currencyCode As String, _
    Optional ByVal nonTradingDayFillOption As String, _
    Optional ByVal nonTradingDayFillMethod As String, _
    Optional ByVal periodicityAdjustment As String, _
    Optional ByVal periodicitySelection As String, _
    Optional ByVal maxDataPoints As Integer, _
    Optional ByVal pricingOption As String, _
    Optional ByRef overrideFields As Variant, _
    Optional ByRef overrideValues As Variant) As Variant
    ' mandatory user input parameters
    bRequestType = HISTORICAL_DATA
    bInputSecurityArray = securities
    bInputFieldArray = fields
    bStartDate = startDate
    bEndDate = endDate
    ' checks and conversions for user-defined dates
    If ((startDate = CDate(0)) Or (endDate = CDate(0))) Then _
        Err.Raise vbObjectError, "Bloomberg API", "Date parameters missing for historical data query"
    If (startDate > endDate) Then _
        Err.Raise vbObjectError, "Bloomberg API", "Incorrect date parameters for historical data query"
    bStartDate = convertDateToBloombergString(startDate)
    bEndDate = convertDateToBloombergString(endDate)
    ' optional user input parameters
    bCalendarCodeOverride = calendarCodeOverride
    bCurrencyCode = currencyCode
    bNonTradingDayFillOption = nonTradingDayFillOption
    bNonTradingDayFillMethod = nonTradingDayFillMethod
    bPeriodicityAdjustment = periodicityAdjustment
    bPeriodicitySelection = periodicitySelection
    bMaxDataPoints = maxDataPoints
    bPricingOption = pricingOption
    ' field names and values for overrides
    If Not (VBA.IsMissing(overrideFields)) Then bOverrideFieldArray = overrideFields
    If Not (VBA.IsMissing(overrideValues)) Then bOverrideValueArray = overrideValues
    historicalData = bOutputArray
End Function
Private Function processDataRequest()
End Function
Private Function openSession()
    Set bSession = New blpapicomLib2.session
    bSession.OpenService CONST_SERVICE_TYPE
    Set bService = bSession.GetService(CONST_SERVICE_TYPE)
End Function
Private Function sendRequest()
    Select Case bRequestType
            ReDim bOutputArray(0 To UBound(bInputSecurityArray, 1), 0 To 0)
            Set bRequest = bService.CreateRequest(CONST_REQUEST_TYPE_HISTORICAL)
            ' set mandatory user input parameter
            bRequest.Set "startDate", bStartDate
            bRequest.Set "endDate", bEndDate
            ' set optional user input parameter
            If (bNonTradingDayFillOption <> "") Then bRequest.Set "nonTradingDayFillOption", bNonTradingDayFillOption
            If (bNonTradingDayFillMethod <> "") Then bRequest.Set "nonTradingDayFillMethod", bNonTradingDayFillMethod
            If (bPeriodicityAdjustment <> "") Then bRequest.Set "periodicityAdjustment", bPeriodicityAdjustment
            If (bPeriodicitySelection <> "") Then bRequest.Set "periodicitySelection", bPeriodicitySelection
            If (bCalendarCodeOverride <> "") Then bRequest.Set "calendarCodeOverride", bCalendarCodeOverride
            If (bCurrencyCode <> "") Then bRequest.Set "currency", bCurrencyCode
            If (bMaxDataPoints <> 0) Then bRequest.Set "maxDataPoints", bMaxDataPoints
            If (bPricingOption <> "") Then bRequest.Set "pricingOption", bPricingOption
            Dim nSecurities As Long: nSecurities = UBound(bInputSecurityArray)
            Dim nFields As Long: nFields = UBound(bInputFieldArray)
            ReDim bOutputArray(0 To nSecurities, 0 To nFields)
            Set bRequest = bService.CreateRequest(CONST_REQUEST_TYPE_REFERENCE)
            ReDim bOutputArray(0 To UBound(bInputSecurityArray, 1), 0 To 0)
            Set bRequest = bService.CreateRequest(CONST_REQUEST_TYPE_BULK_REFERENCE)
    End Select
    Set bSecurityArray = bRequest.GetElement("securities")
    Set bFieldArray = bRequest.GetElement("fields")
    bSession.sendRequest bRequest
End Function
Private Function setOverrides()
    On Error GoTo errorHandler
    If (UBound(bOverrideFieldArray) <> UBound(bOverrideValueArray)) Then Exit Function
    Set bOverrides = bRequest.GetElement("overrides")
    ReDim bOverrideArray(LBound(bOverrideFieldArray) To UBound(bOverrideFieldArray))
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To UBound(bOverrideFieldArray)
        If ((Len(bOverrideFieldArray(i)) > 0) And (Len(bOverrideValueArray(i)) > 0)) Then
            Set bOverrideArray(i) = bOverrides.AppendElment()
            bOverrideArray(i).SetElement "fieldId", bOverrideFieldArray(i)
            bOverrideArray(i).SetElement "value", bOverrideValueArray(i)
        End If
    Next i
    Exit Function
    Exit Function
End Function
Private Function appendRequestItems()
    Dim nSecurities As Long: nSecurities = UBound(bInputSecurityArray)
    Dim nFields As Long: nFields = UBound(bInputFieldArray)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim nItems As Integer: nItems = getMax(nSecurities, nFields)
    For i = 0 To nItems
        If (i <= nSecurities) Then bSecurityArray.AppendValue CStr(bInputSecurityArray(i))
        If (i <= nFields) Then bFieldArray.AppendValue CStr(bInputFieldArray(i))
    Next i
End Function
Private Function catchServerEvent()
    Dim bExit As Boolean
    Do While (bExit = False)
        Set bEvent = bSession.NextEvent
        If (bEvent.EventType = PARTIAL_RESPONSE Or bEvent.EventType = RESPONSE) Then
            Select Case bRequestType
                Case ENUM_REQUEST_TYPE.REFERENCE_DATA: getServerData_reference
                Case ENUM_REQUEST_TYPE.HISTORICAL_DATA: getServerData_historical
                Case ENUM_REQUEST_TYPE.BULK_REFERENCE_DATA: getServerData_bulkReference
            End Select
            If (bEvent.EventType = RESPONSE) Then bExit = True
        End If
End Function
Private Function getServerData_reference()
    Set bIterator = bEvent.CreateMessageIterator
    Do While (bIterator.Next)
        Set bIteratorData = bIterator.Message
        Set bSecurities = bIteratorData.GetElement("securityData")
        Dim offsetNumber As Long, i As Long, j As Long
        nSecurities = bSecurities.Count
        For i = 0 To (nSecurities - 1)
            Set bSecurity = bSecurities.GetValue(i)
            Set bSecurityName = bSecurity.GetElement("security")
            Set bSecurityField = bSecurity.GetElement("fieldData")
            Set bSequenceNumber = bSecurity.GetElement("sequenceNumber")
            offsetNumber = CInt(bSequenceNumber.Value)
            For j = 0 To UBound(bInputFieldArray)
                If (bSecurityField.HasElement(bInputFieldArray(j))) Then
                    Set bFieldValue = bSecurityField.GetElement(bInputFieldArray(j))
                    bOutputArray(offsetNumber, j) = bFieldValue.Value
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
End Function
Private Function getServerData_bulkReference()
    Set bIterator = bEvent.CreateMessageIterator
    nSecurity = nSecurity + 1
    Do While (bIterator.Next)
        Set bIteratorData = bIterator.Message
        Set bSecurities = bIteratorData.GetElement("securityData")
        Dim offsetNumber As Long, i As Long, j As Long
        Dim nSecurities As Long: nSecurities = bSecurities.Count
        Set bSecurity = bSecurities.GetValue(0)
        Set bSecurityField = bSecurity.GetElement("fieldData")
        If (bSecurityField.HasElement(bInputFieldArray(0))) Then
            Set bFieldValue = bSecurityField.GetElement(bInputFieldArray(0))
            If ((bFieldValue.numValues - 1) > UBound(bOutputArray, 2)) Then _
                ReDim Preserve bOutputArray(0 To UBound(bOutputArray, 1), 0 To bFieldValue.numValues - 1)
            For i = 0 To bFieldValue.numValues - 1
                Set bDataPoint = bFieldValue.GetValue(i)
                bOutputArray(nSecurity - 1, i) = bDataPoint.GetElement(0).Value
            Next i
        End If
End Function
Private Function getServerData_historical()
    Set bIterator = bEvent.CreateMessageIterator
    Do While (bIterator.Next)
        Set bIteratorData = bIterator.Message
        Set bSecurities = bIteratorData.GetElement("securityData")
        Dim nSecurities As Long: nSecurities = bSecurityArray.Count
        Set bSecurityField = bSecurities.GetElement("fieldData")
        Dim nItems As Long, offsetNumber As Long, nFields As Long, i As Long, j As Long
        nItems = bSecurityField.numValues
        If (nItems = 0) Then Exit Function
        If ((nItems > UBound(bOutputArray, 2))) Then _
            ReDim Preserve bOutputArray(0 To nSecurities - 1, 0 To nItems - 1)
        Set bSequenceNumber = bSecurities.GetElement("sequenceNumber")
        offsetNumber = CInt(bSequenceNumber.Value)
        If (bSecurityField.Count > 0) Then
            For i = 0 To (nItems - 1)
                If (bSecurityField.Count > i) Then
                    Set bFields = bSecurityField.GetValue(i)
                    If (bFields.HasElement(bFieldArray(0))) Then
                        Dim d As Variant: ReDim d(0 To bFields.NumElements - 1)
                        For j = 0 To bFields.NumElements - 1
                            d(j) = bFields.GetElement(j).GetValue(0)
                        Next j
                        bOutputArray(offsetNumber, i) = d
                    End If
                End If
            Next i
        End If
End Function
Private Function releaseObjects()
    nSecurity = 0
    Set bDataPoint = Nothing
    Set bFieldValue = Nothing
    Set bSequenceNumber = Nothing
    Set bSecurityField = Nothing
    Set bSecurityName = Nothing
    Set bSecurity = Nothing
    Set bOverrides = Nothing
    Set bSecurities = Nothing
    Set bIteratorData = Nothing
    Set bIterator = Nothing
    Set bEvent = Nothing
    Set bFieldArray = Nothing
    Set bSecurityArray = Nothing
    Set bRequest = Nothing
    Set bService = Nothing
    Set bSession = Nothing
End Function
Private Function convertDateToBloombergString(ByVal d As Date) As String
    Dim dayString As String: dayString = VBA.CStr(VBA.Day(d)): If (VBA.Day(d) < 10) Then dayString = "0" + dayString
    Dim MonthString As String: MonthString = VBA.CStr(VBA.Month(d)): If (VBA.Month(d) < 10) Then MonthString = "0" + MonthString
    Dim yearString As String: yearString = VBA.Year(d)
    convertDateToBloombergString = yearString + MonthString + dayString
End Function
Private Function getMax(ByVal a As Long, ByVal b As Long) As Long
    getMax = a: If (b > a) Then getMax = b
End Function


  1. Your welcome Mike! It helped me alot as well! :)

  2. Wow!!! It's like getting a cool present for the Christmas :)
    Thanks a lot Mike !!!!

    Some errors I've met:
    Private bOverrideFieldArray() As String
    Private bOverrideValueArray() As String

    should be defined as Variant, else: type mismatch error.

    In case there is a list of products > 10 the output will be in a wrong order as it BBG will take the values starting with 1 first, then 2, etc. The order will be 1, 11, 12.. 2, 21 etc.. However, this is easy to correct.

    That's for the moment. Once again, thank's a lot Mike. You did a great job !

  3. Hi Eugen, and thanks for your comments.

    Sounds interesting this case with those override arrays. Works fine for me without any errors. So, you actually started to run those tester programs and it was throwing that type mismatch error?

    With that second case, I am not sure whether I understood what was the problem - sorry :) Hmm .. Can you describe this case in a bit more detailed level. What type of data you wanted to get? What securities and fields and so on .. That would be helpful for me and next week I can create test case and debug that to see where's the problem..

    Otherwise, have a great weekend and thanks for following my blog!


  4. Eugen, tester program were working well for me without any errors when I ran it at my Bloomberg this morning. However, due to being consistent, I changed one thing:

    All input arrays (except result) are now defined as strings, since we are using only strings within these arrays. However, for result array we do not know the exact data type beforehand ..

    ' private data structures defined in wrapper
    Private bInputSecurityArray() As String
    Private bInputFieldArray() As String
    Private bOutputArray As Variant
    Private bOverrideFieldArray() As String
    Private bOverrideValueArray() As String

    .. and hereby in our tester program, all arrays (except result) are defined as strings:
    Private r As Variant
    Private s() As String
    Private f() As String
    Private overrideFields() As String
    Private overrideValues() As String

    If you look at the function interfaces in wrapper, you see that all the input arrays are taken in as variant. When we assign string array to variant, the result will be variant/string array. So this assignment is valid. Now, there is a reason why these override field and value arrays are not defined as strings in function interfaces: you can not have array as an OPTIONAL argument in function interface.


  5. Hi Mike,

    I'm not sure if this has something to do with the wrapper, but I got some strange behavour in the output.

    For instance, when I do in Excel BDP("ADBE US Equity", Security_typ) it will result in common stock. If I use the wrapper with s(0) = "/isin/US00724F1012", it wont generate any output. If I try a regular other ISIN it works with the wrapper. If I use the ticker into the wrapper s(0) = "ADBE US Equity", it will generate a output.

    Not sure if this has anything todo with the wrapper, but just wanted to share it..

    besides this the wrapper works very good!!

    thanks, jort

  6. Hi there,

    The following program prints out "Common Stock" two times:

    Sub tester_referenceData2()
    ' create wrapper object
    Set b = New BCOM_wrapper
    ' create security and 1 field
    ReDim s(0 To 0): s(0) = "/isin/US00724F1012"
    ReDim f(0 To 0): f(0) = "SECURITY_TYP"
    ' retrieve result from wrapper into array and print
    r = b.referenceData(s, f)
    Debug.Print r(0, 0)
    s(0) = "ADBE US Equity"
    ' retrieve result from wrapper into array and print
    r = b.referenceData(s, f)
    Debug.Print r(0, 0)
    ' release wrapper object
    Set b = Nothing
    End Sub
    For BDP function I will get result when using "ADBE US Equity", but Invalid security error if I am using "/isin/US00724F1012".


  7. Hi Mike, Yes, you are correct.
    I did not know that all letters should be capital letters. I used US00724f1012, with the lower case 'f'. That didn't work.
    Stupid me, sorry for this:)

  8. Well, I actually did not know that was this the source of error (lowercase alphabet in ticker).. initially I suspected that you might have some other issue with your program. Anyway, always good to confirm that the program is working as expected.

    Thanks for your participation here.


  9. Hi, Mike! I run across you wonderful blog via google search, it seems you are doing some great works. Please keep it up. I have not been able to play with the wrapper yet, but one thing i do not fully understand from the post is - can it download historical intraday data? I have some bloomberg api examples which are provided with the terminal of that, but they are not really efficient, you need to rework them to make thing work properly anyway...

  10. Hi Mike,

    Thanks again for the awesome code! Still got a question regarding bulk data. For instance; GS US Equity with BOND_CHAIN. If you do in excel bds("GS US Equity","BOND_CHAIN") you will receive two fiels as an output (bloombergid and tickCpnMty). Is it also possible to retreive the output TickCpnMty (the second field from the output)? If I use the code I only receive the bloombergIDs.

  11. I copy paste the part of the historical data, and this also worked for the bulk data:

    Dim d As Variant: ReDim d(0 To bDataPoint.NumElements - 1)

    For j = 0 To bDataPoint.NumElements - 1
    d(j) = bDataPoint.GetElement(j).GetValue(0)
    Next j

    bOutputArray(nSecurity - 1, i) = d

    1. good job, I was looking on how to solve it too.

    2. Great ! This is working fine.
      Nevertheless, if I request several fields containing BulkData of 2 columns, I get back the result of only 1 field.
      i.e : For
      s(0) = "/isin/ES0305033005 "
      f(0) ="MTG_HIST_COLLAT_BAL"
      f(1) ="MTG_HIST_NUM_LOANS"
      overrideFields(0) ="COLLATERAL_DATA_SOURCE"
      overrideValues(0) = "2"
      r = b.bulkReferenceData(s, f, overrideFields, overrideValues)

      r will only contains first fields bulk values. Any idea why ?

    3. Hi guys. Try this (working to grab all columns from BDS function).
      PS, it doesn't work very well with multiple securities. I'm not sure why, had no time to explore the code enought. In case of multiple securities (most of times, I guess), use this code doing 'multiple requests'. Sorry about that.

      Private Function getServerData_bulkReference()
      Set bIterator = bEvent.CreateMessageIterator
      nSecurity = nSecurity + 1
      Do While (bIterator.Next)
      Set bIteratorData = bIterator.Message
      Set bSecurities = bIteratorData.GetElement("securityData")
      Dim offsetNumber As Long, i As Long, j As Long
      Dim nSecurities As Long: nSecurities = bSecurities.Count
      Set bSecurity = bSecurities.GetValue(0)
      Set bSecurityField = bSecurity.GetElement("fieldData")
      If (bSecurityField.HasElement(bInputFieldArray(0))) Then
      Set bFieldValue = bSecurityField.GetElement(bInputFieldArray(0))
      ' <<< edited code STARTS here >>>
      ReDim bOutputArray(0 To bFieldValue.GetValue(0).NumElements - 1, 0 To bFieldValue.numValues - 1)
      For i = 0 To bFieldValue.numValues - 1
      Set bDataPoint = bFieldValue.GetValue(i)
      For j = 0 To bDataPoint.NumElements - 1
      bOutputArray(j, i) = bDataPoint.GetElement(j).Value
      Next j
      Next i
      ' <<< edited code ENDS here >>>
      End If
      End Function

      Mikael, incredible piece of work! It's a state of art bloomberg API code! Thank you so much for sharing it!!

  12. Hi Mikael,

    Thanks for this wrapper, a great help!

    I'm having a runtime error with the overrides when calling the historical data function. Just added the following lines to your example:

    ' create 1 override for the historical data
    ReDim overrideFields(0 To 0): overrideFields(0) = "adjustmentSplit"
    ReDim overrideValues(0 To 0): overrideValues(0) = "TRUE"
    ' retrieve result from wrapper into array with overrides
    r = b.historicalData(s, f, CDate("21/8/2008"), CDate("21/8/2013"), , , "ALL_CALENDAR_DAYS", "PREVIOUS_VALUE", , , , , overrideFields, overrideValues)

    Any idea what could be causing that?

    Thanks for your help


    1. Hi,

      I do have the same issue, especially when I want to get intraday data doing such thing like

      ReDim overrideFields(0 To 2): overrideFields(0) = "IntrRw": overrideFields(1) = "Size": overrideFields(2) = "Type": ' overrideFields(3) = "Points"
      ReDim overrideValues(0 To 2): overrideValues(0) = "TRUE": overrideValues(1) = "H": overrideValues(2) = "H": 'overrideValues(3) = "1"

      Any idea??

      it would be of great help!


  13. Mikael,

    I have been working on a more "elegant" way to grab data from Bloomberg into a excel spreadsheet than using the well known BDP and BDH functions and after several weeks of research (of course I'm not working fulltime on this project, since I have other concerns in my work environment), your last three posts about it are the most beautiful and cristal clear material I have found so far. I've already put your first method to the test and it works like a charm. Now I'm finishing to analyze this last update and I'm glad I could finally find a good solution to my problem.
    Please don't stop sharing your knowledge with us! Good job with your blog, it is already on my Favorites tab.

    Thanks, and sorry for any mispelled words and mistakes, English is not my mother language.

  14. I've been reading your articles about Bloomberg requests and I have to say many thanks to you. I'm a junior analyst and I'm starting working on, I should say, basics. I have a question about the override fields. Lets say I want to request a 6x10 Fx volatility surface. I usually use bdp functions with override fields. I tried the same with your code and all I managed to do is one request per maturity/strike, which means 60 requests. It works but it's really time consuming. do you have any advice for a one request code that could allow me to build one array with all my values?

  15. Is it possible to apply the different set of overrides per security?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Mikael,
    Very good piece of work, liked the generic handling of the problem.

  18. Great piece of code and tremendously helpful.

    Got everything working except referencedata requests when including overrides.
    Without overrides the reference requests work very well.

    I attempt to retrieve international equity related estimates (for example BEST_SALES) in USD.

    Below the statement which results in a type mismatch error. But, also I doubt that it is the proper override syntax.
    r = b.referenceData(s, f, "Currency", "USD")

    Could you please help me finding the proper syntax to incorporate a “USD” override?


  19. Hi Martin, I had the same error when i ran the code, but i was able to fix it by changing the date syntax in CDATE formula. Currently it is something like CDATE("31.04.14"), you have to change it to american standards like CDATE("04/31/14").

  20. Hi Mikael,
    I was looking through your VBA code but i was not sure how to add option1 field into the program. For example, I have a BDP formula that checks the correlation.. =BDP("EURUSD BGNL Curncy","CORR_COEF", "BETA_OVERRIDE_REL_INDEX=DKKUSD Curncy"). I couldn't figure out where i would add the beta parameter. Do you know of any examples that would overcome this issue? thanks for your help

  21. Hi,
    First of all thanks for your awesome work however when I implement everything works fine except for the hirstorical data. I always get the same error:
    Invalid procedure call or argument
    What can be the cause of this issue?

    thanks for your help

  22. Hi Mikael. This is truly an awsome piece of development code. EXCELLENT!
    I just found one typo error in your code that was preventing the code from running smoothly for one parameters. It is for the OPTION_PRICING parameter in historical request:

    There is an additional space after pricingOption that has to be removed in the sendRequest() line bRequest.Set "pricingOption ". See below:

    Private Function sendRequest()
    Select Case bRequestType
    ReDim bOutputArray(0 To UBound(bInputSecurityArray, 1), 0 To 0)
    Set bRequest = bService.CreateRequest(CONST_REQUEST_TYPE_HISTORICAL)
    ' set mandatory user input parameter
    bRequest.Set "startDate", bStartDate
    bRequest.Set "endDate", bEndDate
    ' set optional user input parameter
    If (bNonTradingDayFillOption <> "") Then bRequest.Set "nonTradingDayFillOption", bNonTradingDayFillOption
    If (bNonTradingDayFillMethod <> "") Then bRequest.Set "nonTradingDayFillMethod", bNonTradingDayFillMethod
    If (bPeriodicityAdjustment <> "") Then bRequest.Set "periodicityAdjustment", bPeriodicityAdjustment
    If (bPeriodicitySelection <> "") Then bRequest.Set "periodicitySelection", bPeriodicitySelection
    If (bCalendarCodeOverride <> "") Then bRequest.Set "calendarCodeOverride", bCalendarCodeOverride
    If (bCurrencyCode <> "") Then bRequest.Set "currency", bCurrencyCode
    If (bMaxDataPoints <> 0) Then bRequest.Set "maxDataPoints", bMaxDataPoints

    *******ERROR IS HERE

    If (bPricingOption <> "") Then bRequest.Set "pricingOption ", bPricingOption

    ***********ERROR ENDS HERE

    If (bPricingOption <> "") Then bRequest.Set "pricingOption", bPricingOption


    Dim nSecurities As Long: nSecurities = UBound(bInputSecurityArray)
    Dim nFields As Long: nFields = UBound(bInputFieldArray)
    ReDim bOutputArray(0 To nSecurities, 0 To nFields)
    Set bRequest = bService.CreateRequest(CONST_REQUEST_TYPE_REFERENCE)
    ReDim bOutputArray(0 To UBound(bInputSecurityArray, 1), 0 To 0)
    Set bRequest = bService.CreateRequest(CONST_REQUEST_TYPE_BULK_REFERENCE)
    End Select

    Thanks again for your work!!!

    Marcin Brynda

    1. Hi Marcin. Excellent work done. I am sure, you have spent a moment and two with your program, before finding this bug :) My apologies for it.


  23. Wrapper is still pretty far from being reliable and .. in many ways, I'd like to get back on the horse and start to think again, how to fix all reported bugs and to make it better to use. It has been working pretty well for my own very simple needs, but as I can see, the other users are finding all kinds of strange bugs pretty much all the time.

    And that makes me feel bad, since I have not been having a time or interest to dig deeper with all those reported bugs. Moreover, the fact that the only place to really test any related code is at my desk - since I do not have Bloomberg at home - is a restricting factor on any development work on this front. So, until I will get back on that horse, you have to keep your head above the water. Thanks for reporting bugs and sorry I have not been able to help you. Maybe some day, I will find some extra energy to think what could be the next step in evolution concerning this wrapper.

  24. Hey Mikael,

    Do you have created wrapper class using mktdata instead of refdata ?

    In my project, mktdata subscription is used to fetch blpdata, historical data and bulkdata using old method, ie bloombeg data control library. As I migrated to excel 2013, this library is no more supported. So now I want to achieve the same using COM library but not getting more information in the examples downloaded from bloomberg site.

    1. I am not quite sure what you mean, but .. the wrapper presented here, is able to request historical data and snapshot data (market data, say, close price for 10Y Bund future, etc) and other related reference data (tick size for the contract, etc). However, wrapper is not supporting real-time feeding. Is this the case you are referring to?

    2. Yes Mikael, I am referring to real time feeding. Have you created wrapper for the same ?

  25. Hi Mikael,

    Thanks for this wrapper, a great job!

    I need to download a Dividend History - All (DV030), but the bulk data contains 7 columns. How can i print all the columns, your vba code download just the first.

    Thank you very much for your help..

  26. Hi Mikael,

    Thanks for your posts and the wrapper. They are excellent!
    I am trying to get the yield for several bonds. The thing is I want to override the prices. I have adopted your tester as follows but it keeps returning the default yields instead of the override yields. Below are two bonds where I want to price the yields overrided with my prices: 2 bonds, 2 sets of prices per bond (bid/ask). Any ideas? Any insights appreciated. thank you

    Sub tester_referenceData()
    ' create wrapper object
    Set b = New BCOM_wrapper
    ' create 3 securities and 4 fields
    ReDim s(0 To 1): s(0) = "USY9896RAB79 CORP": s(1) = "XS1488414464 CORP"
    ReDim f(0 To 0): f(0) = "YAS_BOND_YLD" ': f(1) = "YAS_BOND_YLD"
    ' retrieve result from wrapper into array and print
    r = b.referenceData(s, f)
    printReferenceData r
    ' create 1 override for fields
    ReDim overrideFields(0 To 0): overrideFields(0) = "YAS_BOND_PX" ': overrideFields(1) = "YAS_BOND_PX"
    ReDim overrideValues(0 To 3): overrideValues(0) = "93.75": overrideValues(1) = "94.5": overrideValues(2) = "99": overrideValues(3) = "99.5"
    ' retrieve result from wrapper into array and print
    r = b.referenceData(s, f, overrideFields, overrideValues)
    printReferenceData r
    ' release wrapper object
    Set b = Not

  27. Is there a way to do the equivalent of this =BDS("M US Equity", "ERN_ANN_DT_AND_PER", "endcol=2")? In other words, return two columns of bulk data, one being the values the other being the YYYY:Q# label?

    1. and the answer is: Debug.Print bDataPoint.GetElement(1).Value '<- the name of the item, i.e. 2017:Q2

  28. Fabulous work, thanks ! When I am using this with historical data over a short time frame, sometimes some fields have no data because there has been no update in the Bloom data. In such cases carrying over the previous values does not work & I get no value at all, but also the "columns" in the output array get "mixed up" because if a field has no data the corresponding column is simply "deleted". So e.g. field number 4 will appear in column 2, etc. Is there a way to solve this, e.g. with NAs for missing values ? Thanks

  29. Hi Mikael,

    Great wrapper!

    I'm having difficulties extracting data for several of my securities.

    My security ticker is "RTY Index". I'm trying to retrieve the LAST_PRICE in multiple currencies so I have to use historicalData
    When I use the function referenceData, it works but it does not with the historicalData function.

    f(0) = "SECURITY_NAME"
    f(1) = "LAST_PRICE"
    s(0) = "RTY Index"

    r = b.referenceData(s, f)
    x = b.historicalData(s, f, CDate("2017-06-01"), CDate("2017-06-12"))

    Can you help me out?

    Thanks a lot!

  30. Hi - after reinstalling the terminal I have a "Can't find a project or library" error and I can see that VBA now has a reference to API COM3.5 vs 3.0 before. Is the code compatible with API COM 3.5 or is there an issue with that latest version? Thanks for the help

  31. Mikael
    I came across this wonderful API through some google deep dive. Thank you very much for taking time to work on this. There were a couple of issues that I worked around with. This is for someone who has the same issues.
    1. Wrapper calls the date-text conversion module only from the historical data subroutine. let's say you're calling worksheets with MBS cusips sorted by months in a year so you can pull up specific prepay/factor information for a specific month. If you use a settle date or collat as of date override and reference to a date field you will not get the factor info for the relevant date. I suggest using the actual bbrg dates as overridevalues within your reference data subroutine before you call the wrapper. I modified the date fields for all subroutines calling the wrapper so that the wrapper never calls the date conversion module. It was simpler and cleaner, since you will be accessing the same worksheets again and again.
    2.when you are calling securities from a worksheet into an array directly, please make sure you convert them to a one dimensional string array with option base 0 syntax. otherwise, you will get an error and even if you convert by cycling through you array, you will lose the first security if you didn't redim Mikael's arrays named s(), f(), overridefields() and overridevalues()
    3.if you have a lot of securities dumping the entire boutputarray saves time, especially for the historical data subroutine. But make sure you've increased the second dimension by expanding it to 4 columns before dumping the output.

    Thanks once again, Mikael. Great stuff!

    1. I am happy to hear that you have found this to be useful. Your suggestions are highly appreciated!

  32. Subscript out of range error ; If (ubound(boverrideFiekdArray)<>ubound(boverrideFiekdArray)), missing variant, context bbcom.referencedata

  33. it doesnt work anymore for me :(

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