Sunday, November 17, 2019

QuantLib-Python: Monte Carlo Valuation for Target Accrual Redemption Note

Out of curiosity, I wanted to create an implementation for interest rate Target Accrual Redemption Note (TARN) by using QuantLib-Python library. Now, as one might be aware, the availability of QuantLib Monte Carlo framework for Python is limited (due to templatization of the original C++ classes) to a few existing implementations. This means, that one is not able to re-implement new MC valuation scheme directly by using this specific framework. What to do? There are some workarounds. One may implement such a new scheme by using QuantLib C++ library and then create a wrapper for this library by using SWIG. Some instructions on how to proceed with the SWIG path has also been presented in here. Another way is just to give up the usual QuantLib "Instrument/Engine"-paradigm and just use all the nice pieces available. The complete program can be downloaded from my GitHub page.


This product is a path-dependent structured note, which terminates when target coupon payment will be reached. When cumulative coupon amount reaches this target amount before maturity, the holder of the note receives final payment and the contract will terminate immediately. TARN coupon payoff is usually structured to be similar to inverse floating rate note. There is (usually) also an attractive teaser coupon attached in the beginning of the structure, combined with the possibility of getting back the par value relatively fast. If the future index will stay low or go even lower, target coupon will be reached early and the investor will enjoy the benefits of high returns for this short-lived investment. However, in the worst case, if the future index path will go sky high, investor will be "bleeding to death" with this long-dated investment yielding inferior returns.

Path Generator

For this specific implementation (for the sake of being as accurate as possible), I gave up using QuantLib Path Generator, because it will create stochastic paths only for even set of points in time. Below is a simple method, which generates paths for a given set of QuantLib dates, which can be unevenly distributed.

# path generator for a given 1d stochastic process and 
# a given set of QuantLib dates, which can be unevenly distributed
# uses process evolve method, which returns asset value after time interval Δt
# returns E(x0,t0,Δt) + S(x0,t0,Δt) ⋅ Δw, where E is expectation and S standard deviation
# input arguments:
#   x0 = asset value at inception
#   dates = array of dates
#   dayCounter = QuantLib day counter
#   process = QuantLib 1D stochastic process implementation
#   nPaths = number of paths to be simulated
def PathGenerator(x0, dates, dayCounter, process, nPaths):
    t = np.array([dayCounter.yearFraction(dates[0], d) for d in dates])    
    urg = ql.UniformRandomGenerator()
    ursg = ql.UniformRandomSequenceGenerator(t.shape[0] - 1, urg)
    grsg = ql.GaussianRandomSequenceGenerator(ursg)    
    paths = np.zeros(shape = (nPaths, t.shape[0]))
    for j in range(nPaths):
        dw = np.array(list(grsg.nextSequence().value()))
        x = x0
        path = []

        for i in range(1, t.shape[0]):
            x = process.evolve(t[i-1], x, (t[i] - t[i-1]), dw[i-1])
        path = np.hstack([np.array([x0]), np.array(path)])
        paths[j,:] = path
    # return array dimensions: [number of paths, number of items in t array]
    return paths

Main Program

First, we create the usual set of required QuantLib parameters, such as valuation date. For the sake of being able to value this product also after its inception, valuation method takes QuantLib Index object as one argument. All past fixing dates and rates can be stored into this index. Now, if one changes valuation date (currently 4.3.2018) to any possible date after inception and before transaction maturity, the product will be valued accordingly. It should be noted, that in such scheme it is crucial to provide all possible past fixings. Failure to do this, will lead to an exception.

For creating valuation curve (curveHandle) and short rate process (HW1F), I have decided to take the shortest possible way and just created flat forward curve and assumed constants for short rate process parameters (mean reversion and short rate volatility), instead calibrating this model into the actual market data. For any "real-life" purposes, one may take a look at some possible proper implementations given in here for valuation curve and in here for model calibration.

Next, all transaction parameters are being created one by one. Coupon dates are being created by using QuantLib Schedule object. Finally, PV and the average termination time point is requested from TARN method and printed.

import QuantLib as ql
import numpy as np

# define general QuantLib-related parameters
valuationDate = ql.Date(4,3,2018)
calendar = ql.TARGET()
convention = ql.ModifiedFollowing
dayCounter = ql.Actual360()
ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = valuationDate

# set index object and past fixings
pastFixingsDates = np.array([ql.Date(4,3,2019), ql.Date(4,3,2020)])
pastFixingsRates = np.array([0.05, 0.05])
index = ql.USDLibor(ql.Period(12, ql.Months))
index.addFixings(pastFixingsDates, pastFixingsRates)

# create discounting curve and process for short rate
r0 = 0.015
curveHandle = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(ql.FlatForward(valuationDate, r0, dayCounter))
a = 0.05
vol = 0.009
HW1F = ql.HullWhiteProcess(curveHandle, a, vol)

# define bond-related parameters
startDate = ql.Date(4,3,2018)
firstCouponDate = calendar.advance(startDate, ql.Period(1, ql.Years))
lastCouponDate = calendar.advance(startDate, ql.Period(10, ql.Years))
couponDates = np.array(list(ql.Schedule(firstCouponDate, lastCouponDate, ql.Period(ql.Annual), 
    calendar, ql.ModifiedFollowing, ql.ModifiedFollowing, ql.DateGeneration.Forward, False)))
teaserCoupon = np.array([0.1])
targetCoupon = 0.25
hasToReachTarget = True
cap = 0.15
floor = 0.0
fixedRate = 0.1
factor = 3.0
structuredCouponPayoff = lambda r: max(fixedRate - factor * r, 0.0)
notional = 1000000.0

# define monte carlo-related parameters
nPaths = 10000

# request result (PV and average termination point)
result = TARN(startDate, valuationDate, couponDates, targetCoupon, teaserCoupon,
    cap, floor, hasToReachTarget, structuredCouponPayoff, notional, dayCounter,
    nPaths, HW1F, curveHandle, index)

print('pv', '{0:.0f}'.format(result[0]))
print('termination', '{0:.1f}'.format(result[1]))

Valuation Method

The last piece of code shows the actual pricing method. Paths will be generated for all remaining coupon dates. Past fixing rates will be used for all such coupon dates, which happened in the past.

All simulated paths will then be processed in the loop. Thanks to amazing variety of different types of array operations in Numpy Array library, we can process a path without deploying any typical "inner loop" (for path steps). The loop basically starts with a given set of simulated rates and along the way, transforms this path into an array of cash flow present values. Operations are commented in the code.

def TARN(bondStartDate, valuationDate, couponDates, targetCoupon, teaserCoupon, cap, floor,
    hasToReachTarget, payoff, notional, dayCounter, nPaths, process, curve, index):    
    # immediate exit trigger for matured transaction
    if(valuationDate >= couponDates[-1]):
        return (0.0, 0.0)
    # create date array for path generator
    # combine valuation date and all remaining coupon dates
    dates = np.hstack((np.array([valuationDate]), couponDates[couponDates > valuationDate]))
    # generate paths for a given set of dates, exclude the current spot rate
    paths = PathGenerator(process.x0(), dates, dayCounter, process, nPaths)[:,1:]
    # identify past coupon dates
    pastDates = couponDates[couponDates <= valuationDate]
    # conditionally, merge given past fixings and generated paths
    if(pastDates.shape[0] > 0):
        pastFixings = np.array([index.fixing(pastDate) for pastDate in pastDates])    
        pastFixings = np.tile(pastFixings, (paths.shape[0], 1))
        paths = np.hstack((pastFixings, paths))
    # define time grid for all coupon dates, calculate day count fractions
    t = np.array([0.0] + [dayCounter.yearFraction(bondStartDate, d) for d in couponDates])
    dcf = np.diff(t)
    # result accumulators
    global_pv = []
    termination = []

    # calculate PV for all paths
    for path in paths:
        # transform simulated path into structured rates using payoff function
        path = (np.vectorize(payoff))(path)
        index_1 = np.where(teaserCoupon > 0.0)
        # replace some path rates with teaser coupons (if exists)
        path[index_1] = teaserCoupon
        # calculate capped and floored structured coupon for non-teaser rates
        path = np.concatenate([path[index_1], np.minimum(path[index_1[0].shape[0]:], cap)])
        path = np.concatenate([path[index_1], np.maximum(path[index_1[0].shape[0]:], floor)])
        # multiply rates with day count fractions
        path = np.multiply(path, dcf)
        # take into account only rates, for which cumulative sum is less or equal to target coupon
        index_2 = np.where(np.cumsum(path) <= targetCoupon)
        path = path[index_2]
        dates = couponDates[index_2]
        # path termination time is the date, which reaches target coupon
        termination.append(dayCounter.yearFraction(valuationDate, dates[-1]))
        # if coupon has to reach target coupon, add remaining coupon available into final coupon
        if(hasToReachTarget): path[-1] = targetCoupon - np.sum(path[:-1])
        # multiply coupon rates with notionals, add final redemption
        path *= notional
        path[-1] += notional
        # take into account only coupons, for which coupon dates are in the future
        index_3 = np.where(dates >= valuationDate)
        dates = dates[index_3]
        path = path[index_3]
        # request discount factors for all coupon dates
        df = np.array([ for d in dates])
        # calculate coupon PV's
        path = np.multiply(path, df)
        # add path PV into result accumulator

    # return tuple (pv, average termination time)
    return (np.mean(np.array(global_pv)), np.mean(np.array(termination)))

A couple of final notes. The presented example is valuing a product in which the coupon is exposed to interest rates. However, a notable amount of TARN products issued (in the past), have been exposing their coupons to movements in FX rates. Since any one-dimensional process can be used for path generation purposes in the valuation method, there is a possibility to use some of the existing QuantLib processes also for modeling the path of future FX rates. Also, structured coupon payoff can be defined outside the valuation method. Since all types of TARN products are (usually) pretty much sharing the same other properties (ex. path-dependency, teaser rates), the valuation method is relatively "generic" after all.

Thanks for reading this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this -- it's helping me to get better oriented with Quantlib / Python.
