There were some tough decisions to make. In my C# wrapper, I was sub-classing algorithm for handling messages from server (unzipping message content into data structure). Within this implementation, I made a decision to prefer straightforward simplicity, even it would mean a bit of data duplication. Personally, when using this kind of functionality, I would prefer to have just one single class (one header, one implementation), instead of having several classes.
Another big issue was concerning data output coming from Bloomberg server back to a client : how to pack all requested data into data structure to be easily used by a client ? In C# implementation we had dynamic data type, which enables us to create arrays of dynamic data types. However, in C++ there are no heterogeneous data structures available, besides std::tuple. Initially, I was considering to use tuple as result data structure, but I decided to reject the idea due to material increase in general complexity. I decided to return all possible data types from Bloomberg server as std::string within result data structure. It would be then up to a client to convert these values "back to their origins", by using std::stod or some other conversion method.
For the sake of clarity, I have created type definitions for several nested data structures used in the program : Vector [std::vector<std::string>], Matrix for all types of reference data [std::vector<Vector>] and Cube for historical time-series data [std::vector<Matrix>].
Finally, in order to "make it happen", a set of header files and libraries has to be configured into Visual Studio project. Extremely well-written and complete step-by-step tutorial is available in here.
Header file
#pragma once // #include <memory> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <blpapi_session.h> // namespace MikeJuniperhillBloombergCPPDesktopAPI { using namespace BloombergLP::blpapi; using Vector = std::vector<std::string>; // string vector using Matrix = std::vector<Vector>; // string matrix using Cube = std::vector<Matrix>; // string cube enum ENUM_PRICING_OPTION { PRICING_OPTION_PRICE, PRICING_OPTION_YIELD }; enum ENUM_PERIODICITY_ADJUSTMENT { ACTUAL, CALENDAR, FISCAL }; enum ENUM_PERIODICITY_SELECTION { DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMI_ANNUALLY, YEARLY }; enum ENUM_NON_TRADING_DAY_FILL_OPTION { NON_TRADING_WEEKDAYS, ALL_CALENDAR_DAYS, ACTIVE_DAYS_ONLY }; enum ENUM_NON_TRADING_DAY_FILL_METHOD { PREVIOUS_VALUE, NIL_VALUE }; // class BBCOMMDataRequest { public: BBCOMMDataRequest(std::string serverHost = "localhost", unsigned short serverPort = 8194); void Start(); void GetReferenceData(Vector& securities, Vector& fields, Matrix& result, Vector& overrideFields = Vector(), Vector& overrideValues = Vector()); void GetHistoricalData(Vector& securities, Vector& fields, Cube& result, std::string startDate, std::string endDate, ENUM_PRICING_OPTION pricingOption = PRICING_OPTION_PRICE, ENUM_PERIODICITY_SELECTION periodicitySelection = DAILY, ENUM_PERIODICITY_ADJUSTMENT periodicityAdjustment = ACTUAL, ENUM_NON_TRADING_DAY_FILL_OPTION nonTradingDayFillOption = ALL_CALENDAR_DAYS, ENUM_NON_TRADING_DAY_FILL_METHOD nonTradingDayFillMethod = PREVIOUS_VALUE, std::string overrideCurrency = std::string(), Vector& overrideFields = Vector(), Vector& overrideValues = Vector()); void GetIntradayBarData(std::string security, Vector& fields, Matrix& result, std::string eventType, int intervalInMinutes, Datetime start, Datetime end); void GetIntradayTickData(std::string security, Vector& fields, Matrix& result, Vector& eventTypes, Datetime start, Datetime end, bool includeConditionCodes = false, bool includeExchangeCodes = false); void Stop(); private: std::unique_ptr<SessionOptions> sessionOptions; std::unique_ptr<Session> session; std::unique_ptr<Service> service; std::unique_ptr<Request> request; std::string serverHost; unsigned short serverPort; }; } //
Implementation file
#pragma once #include "BBCOMMDataRequest.h" using namespace MikeJuniperhillBloombergCPPDesktopAPI; // BBCOMMDataRequest::BBCOMMDataRequest(std::string serverHost, unsigned short serverPort) : serverHost(serverHost), serverPort(serverPort) { // ctor with default parameters for server hosting and port } void BBCOMMDataRequest::Start() { // create objects : session options and session sessionOptions = std::unique_ptr<SessionOptions>(new SessionOptions); sessionOptions->setServerHost(serverHost.c_str()); sessionOptions->setServerPort(serverPort); session = std::unique_ptr<Session>(new Session(*sessionOptions)); // // start session and open service, throw if not succeeded if (!session->start()) throw std::exception("session not started"); if (!session->openService("//blp/refdata")) throw std::exception("service not opened"); } void BBCOMMDataRequest::GetReferenceData(Vector& securities, Vector& fields, Matrix& result, Vector& overrideFields, Vector& overrideValues) { // initialize result data structure with default '#N/A' for all items for (unsigned int i = 0; i < securities.size(); ++i) { Vector innerVector(fields.size(), "#N/A"); result.push_back(innerVector); } // create objects : service and request service = std::unique_ptr<Service>(new Service(session->getService("//blp/refdata"))); request = std::unique_ptr<Request>(new Request(service->createRequest("ReferenceDataRequest"))); // // append securities and field requests into request object std::for_each(securities.begin(), securities.end(), [this](std::string s) { request->append("securities", s.c_str()); }); std::for_each(fields.begin(), fields.end(), [this](std::string f) { request->append("fields", f.c_str()); }); // // conditionally, append overrides into request object if (overrideFields.size() > 0) { Element requestOverrides = request->getElement("overrides"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < overrideFields.size(); ++i) { Element requestOverride = requestOverrides.appendElement(); requestOverride.setElement("fieldId", overrideFields[i].c_str()); requestOverride.setElement("value", overrideValues[i].c_str()); } } // finally send data request to server session->sendRequest(*request); // // start polling server response for data request bool isProcessing = true; while (isProcessing) { // catch all 'response-typed' events from server Event bEvent = session->nextEvent(); if ((bEvent.eventType() == Event::PARTIAL_RESPONSE) || (bEvent.eventType() == Event::RESPONSE)) { // create iterator for accessing server message MessageIterator bMessageIterator(bEvent); while ( { // get access to message, extract all included securities Message bMessage = bMessageIterator.message(); Element bSecurities = bMessage.getElement("securityData"); int nSecurities = bSecurities.numValues(); // // loop through all securities in current server response batch for (int i = 0; i < nSecurities; ++i) { // extract one security and all available fields for this security Element bSecurity = bSecurities.getValueAsElement(i); Element bFields = bSecurity.getElement("fieldData"); int sequenceNumber = bSecurity.getElementAsInt32("sequenceNumber"); int nFieldNames = fields.size(); // // loop through all requested fields for (int j = 0; j < nFieldNames; ++j) { // assign string value only if the field is included in delivery if (bFields.hasElement(fields[j].c_str())) { Element bField = bFields.getElement(fields[j].c_str()); result[sequenceNumber][j] = bField.getValueAsString(); } } } } // when event type is response, there will be no more messages from server if (bEvent.eventType() == Event::RESPONSE) isProcessing = false; } } } void BBCOMMDataRequest::GetHistoricalData(Vector& securities, Vector& fields, Cube& result, std::string startDate, std::string endDate, ENUM_PRICING_OPTION pricingOption, ENUM_PERIODICITY_SELECTION periodicitySelection, ENUM_PERIODICITY_ADJUSTMENT periodicityAdjustment, ENUM_NON_TRADING_DAY_FILL_OPTION nonTradingDayFillOption, ENUM_NON_TRADING_DAY_FILL_METHOD nonTradingDayFillMethod, std::string overrideCurrency, Vector& overrideFields, Vector& overrideValues) { bool resultHasDimension = false; // create objects : service and request service = std::unique_ptr<Service>(new Service(session->getService("//blp/refdata"))); request = std::unique_ptr<Request>(new Request(service->createRequest("HistoricalDataRequest"))); // // append securities and field requests into request object std::for_each(securities.begin(), securities.end(), [this](std::string s) { request->append("securities", s.c_str()); }); std::for_each(fields.begin(), fields.end(), [this](std::string f) { request->append("fields", f.c_str()); }); // // conditionally, append overrides into request object if (overrideFields.size() > 0) { Element requestOverrides = request->getElement("overrides"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < overrideFields.size(); ++i) { Element requestOverride = requestOverrides.appendElement(); requestOverride.setElement("fieldId", overrideFields[i].c_str()); requestOverride.setElement("value", overrideValues[i].c_str()); } } // // set optional parameters for historical data request request->set("startDate", startDate.c_str()); request->set("endDate", endDate.c_str()); request->set("pricingOption", pricingOption); request->set("periodicityAdjustment", periodicityAdjustment); request->set("periodicitySelection", periodicitySelection); request->set("nonTradingDayFillOption", nonTradingDayFillOption); request->set("nonTradingDayFillMethod", nonTradingDayFillMethod); if (!overrideCurrency.empty()) request->set("currency", overrideCurrency.c_str()); // // finally send data request to server session->sendRequest(*request); // // start polling server response for data request bool isProcessing = true; while (isProcessing) { // catch all 'response-typed' events from server Event bEvent = session->nextEvent(); // if ((bEvent.eventType() == Event::PARTIAL_RESPONSE) || (bEvent.eventType() == Event::RESPONSE)) { // create iterator for accessing server message MessageIterator bMessageIterator(bEvent); // unzip and pack messages received from BBCOMM server while ( { // receive one security per message and multiple messages per event Message bMessage = bMessageIterator.message(); Element bSecurity = bMessage.getElement("securityData"); Element bFields = bSecurity.getElement("fieldData"); int sequenceNumber = bSecurity.getElementAsInt32("sequenceNumber"); int nFieldNames = fields.size(); unsigned int nObservationDates = bFields.numValues(); // // the exact dimension for result data structure will be known // only when the response has been received from BBCOMM server if (!resultHasDimension) { // initialize result data structure with default '#N/A' for all items for (unsigned int i = 0; i < securities.size(); ++i) { Matrix outerVector; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nObservationDates; j++) { Vector innerVector(fields.size() + 1, "#N/A"); outerVector.push_back(innerVector); } result.push_back(outerVector); } resultHasDimension = true; } // loop through all observation dates for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nObservationDates; ++i) { Element observationDateFields = bFields.getValueAsElement(i); result[sequenceNumber][i][0] = observationDateFields.getElementAsString("date"); // loop through all requested fields for a given observation date // and pack results data into data structure for (int j = 0; j < nFieldNames; j++) { // pack field value into data structure only if such value is available if (observationDateFields.hasElement(fields[j].c_str())) { result[sequenceNumber][i][j + 1] = observationDateFields.getElement(fields[j].c_str()).getValueAsString(); } } } } // when event type is response, there will be no more messages coming from server if (bEvent.eventType() == Event::RESPONSE) isProcessing = false; } } } void BBCOMMDataRequest::GetIntradayBarData(std::string security, Vector& fields, Matrix& result, std::string eventType, int intervalInMinutes, Datetime start, Datetime end) { // create objects : service and request service = std::unique_ptr<Service>(new Service(session->getService("//blp/refdata"))); request = std::unique_ptr<Request>(new Request(service->createRequest("IntradayBarRequest"))); request->set("security", security.c_str()); request->set("eventType", eventType.c_str()); request->set("interval", intervalInMinutes); request->set("startDateTime", start); request->set("endDateTime", end); // finally send data request to server session->sendRequest(*request); // // start polling server response for data request bool isProcessing = true; while (isProcessing) { // catch all 'response-typed' events from server Event bEvent = session->nextEvent(); // if ((bEvent.eventType() == Event::PARTIAL_RESPONSE) || (bEvent.eventType() == Event::RESPONSE)) { // create iterator for accessing server message MessageIterator bMessageIterator(bEvent); // unzip and pack messages received from BBCOMM server while ( { // receive one security per message and multiple messages per event Message bMessage = bMessageIterator.message(); Element bData = bMessage.getElement("barData").getElement("barTickData"); int nBars = bData.numValues(); // for (int i = 0; i < nBars; ++i) { Element bBar = bData.getValueAsElement(i); if (!bBar.isNull()) { Vector innerVector; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fields.size(); ++j) { if (bBar.hasElement(fields[j].c_str())) innerVector.push_back(bBar.getElementAsString(fields[j].c_str())); } result.push_back(innerVector); } } } // when event type is response, there will be no more messages coming from server if (bEvent.eventType() == Event::RESPONSE) isProcessing = false; } } } void BBCOMMDataRequest::GetIntradayTickData(std::string security, Vector& fields, Matrix& result, Vector& eventTypes, Datetime start, Datetime end, bool includeConditionCodes, bool includeExchangeCodes) { // create objects : service and request service = std::unique_ptr<Service>(new Service(session->getService("//blp/refdata"))); request = std::unique_ptr<Request>(new Request(service->createRequest("IntradayTickRequest"))); request->set("security", security.c_str()); request->set("startDateTime", start); request->set("endDateTime", end); std::for_each(eventTypes.begin(), eventTypes.end(), [this](std::string e) { request->append("eventTypes", e.c_str()); }); if (includeConditionCodes) request->set("includeConditionCodes", true); if (includeExchangeCodes) request->set("includeExchangeCodes", true); // finally send data request to server session->sendRequest(*request); // // start polling server response for data request bool isProcessing = true; while (isProcessing) { // catch all 'response-typed' events from server Event bEvent = session->nextEvent(); // if ((bEvent.eventType() == Event::PARTIAL_RESPONSE) || (bEvent.eventType() == Event::RESPONSE)) { // create iterator for accessing server message MessageIterator bMessageIterator(bEvent); // unzip and pack messages received from BBCOMM server while ( { // receive one security per message and multiple messages per event Message bMessage = bMessageIterator.message(); Element bData = bMessage.getElement("tickData").getElement("tickData"); int nTicks = bData.numValues(); // for (int i = 0; i < nTicks; ++i) { Element bItem = bData.getValueAsElement(i); if (!bItem.isNull()) { Vector innerVector; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fields.size(); ++j) { if (bItem.hasElement(fields[j].c_str())) innerVector.push_back(bItem.getElementAsString(fields[j].c_str())); } // include conditionally requested condition and exchange codes if (bItem.hasElement("conditionCodes") && (includeConditionCodes)) innerVector.push_back(bItem.getElementAsString("conditionCodes")); if (bItem.hasElement("exchangeCodes") && (includeExchangeCodes)) innerVector.push_back(bItem.getElementAsString("exchangeCodes")); result.push_back(innerVector); } } } // when event type is response, there will be no more messages coming from server if (bEvent.eventType() == Event::RESPONSE) isProcessing = false; } } } void BBCOMMDataRequest::Stop() { session->stop(); }
Tester file
#include <iostream> #include "BBCOMMDataRequest.h" // namespace MJ = MikeJuniperhillBloombergCPPDesktopAPI; void PrintMatrix(MJ::Matrix& result); void PrintCube(MJ::Cube& result); void CreateEquitySecurityList(std::vector<std::string>& securities); void CreateRateSecurityList(std::vector<std::string>& securities); // int main() { try { // start bloomberg session MJ::BBCOMMDataRequest bloomberg; bloomberg.Start(); // std::cout << "CASE 1 : create reference data request without overrides >" << std::endl; // create list of rate securities and fields, request data and print result MJ::Vector securities; CreateRateSecurityList(securities); MJ::Vector fields{ "PARSEKYABLE_DES", "PX_LAST" }; MJ::Matrix matrixResult; bloomberg.GetReferenceData(securities, fields, matrixResult); PrintMatrix(matrixResult); // std::cout << "CASE 2 : create reference data request with overrides >" << std::endl; // create list of equity securities and fields, request data and print result CreateEquitySecurityList(securities); fields.push_back("BEST_PE_RATIO"); MJ::Vector overrideFields{ "BEST_FPERIOD_OVERRIDE" }; MJ::Vector overrideValues{ "3FY" }; matrixResult.clear(); bloomberg.GetReferenceData(securities, fields, matrixResult, overrideFields, overrideValues); PrintMatrix(matrixResult); // std::cout << "CASE 3 : create historical data request for previous securities >" << std::endl; // use previous securities, re-create fields, request data and print result fields.clear(); fields.push_back("PX_LAST"); MJ::Cube cubeResult; // bloomberg API date format : 'YYYYMMDD' std::string startDate = "20170301"; std::string endDate = "20170322"; // request actual daily frequency, but only for weekdays and prices converted to JPY bloomberg.GetHistoricalData(securities, fields, cubeResult, startDate, endDate, MJ::PRICING_OPTION_PRICE, MJ::DAILY, MJ::ACTUAL, MJ::NON_TRADING_WEEKDAYS, MJ::PREVIOUS_VALUE, "JPY"); PrintCube(cubeResult); // std::cout << "CASE 4 : create historical data request for list of securities >" << std::endl; // create list of rate securities, use previous field, request data and print result CreateRateSecurityList(securities); cubeResult.clear(); bloomberg.GetHistoricalData(securities, fields, cubeResult, startDate, endDate); PrintCube(cubeResult); // std::cout << "CASE 5 : create intraday bar data request for single security >" << std::endl; // create one security, request data and print result std::string security = "GOOGL UW Equity"; MJ::Vector barFields{ "time", "open" , "high", "low", "close" }; std::string eventType = "TRADE"; int intervalInMinutes = 1; MJ::Datetime start; start.setDate(2017, 3, 22); start.setTime(15, 0, 0); MJ::Datetime end; end.setDate(2017, 3, 22); end.setTime(15, 10, 0); matrixResult.clear(); bloomberg.GetIntradayBarData(security, barFields, matrixResult, eventType, intervalInMinutes, start, end); PrintMatrix(matrixResult); // std::cout << "CASE 6 : create intraday tick data request for single security >" << std::endl; // use previous security, request data and print result MJ::Vector tickFields{ "time", "value", "size", "type" }; MJ::Vector eventTypes{ "TRADE" }; matrixResult.clear(); bloomberg.GetIntradayTickData(security, tickFields, matrixResult, eventTypes, start, end, true, true); PrintMatrix(matrixResult); // // stop bloomberg session bloomberg.Stop(); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; } // void PrintMatrix(MJ::Matrix& result) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < result[i].size(); ++j) { std::cout << result[i][j] << std::endl; } } std::cout << std::endl; } // void PrintCube(MJ::Cube& result) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < result[i].size(); ++j) { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < result[i][j].size(); k++) { std::cout << result[i][j][k] << std::endl; } } } std::cout << std::endl; } // void CreateRateSecurityList(std::vector<std::string>& securities) { // EUR Euribor vs. 6M swap curve securities.clear(); securities.push_back("EONIA Index"); securities.push_back("EUR001W Index"); securities.push_back("EUR001M Index"); securities.push_back("EUR002M Index"); securities.push_back("EUR003M Index"); securities.push_back("EUR006M Index"); securities.push_back("EUFR0F1 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUFR0G1A Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUFR0H1B Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUFR0I1C Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUFR0J1D Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUFR0K1E Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUFR011F Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA2 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA3 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA4 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA5 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA6 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA7 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA8 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA9 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA10 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA11 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA12 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA15 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA20 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA25 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA30 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA35 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA40 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA45 Curncy"); securities.push_back("EUSA50 Curncy"); } // void CreateEquitySecurityList(std::vector<std::string>& securities) { // some equities securities.clear(); securities.push_back("GOOGL UW Equity"); securities.push_back("YHOO UW Equity"); securities.push_back("FB UW Equity"); securities.push_back("EBAY UW Equity"); } //
Finally, thanks a lot for reading my blog.