Wednesday, November 28, 2018

QuantLib-Python: Transaction Builder

Even the fanciest restaurant needs to have dedicated staff to visit fresh market and peel potatoes, in order to have everything ready for head chef to prepare delicious late night dinners for us. Similarly, having amazing analytics library (such as QuantLib) available for calculations is still only "halfway home", since all required data inputs (ex. transactions) need to be constructed beforehand. It is highly preferred for this part of the process to be performed in a way, that maximum re-configurability would be maintained, while manual labour would be completely avoided.

In a nutshell, this post will present, how to go from having several XML configuration files for specific QuantLib transaction in a directory (shown on the left side), to have all these transactions constructed and processed through QuantLib (shown on the right side).

Implement the following Python program. First, it will create QuantLib flat yield term structure and discounting bond pricing engine, request a batch of constructed QuantLib transactions from TransactionManager method (located in a separate QuantLibTransactionBuilder), then assign pricing engine for each transaction and finally, print calculated NPV along with some other transaction-related information.

%config IPCompleter.greedy = True
from QuantLib import *
from QuantLibTransactionBuilder import *

# create valuation curve and pricing engine
tradeDate = Date(28, November, 2018)
settlementDate = TARGET().advance(tradeDate, Period(2, Days))
curveHandle = YieldTermStructureHandle(FlatForward(settlementDate, 0.01, Actual360()))
engine = DiscountingBondEngine(curveHandle)

# create QuantLib transactions from repository XML files
transactionsFolder = '/home/TransactionRepository/'
transactions = TransactionManager(transactionsFolder)

# set pricing engine for all transactions, request PV
for t in range(len(transactions)):
    print('Maturity: ' + str(transactions[t].maturityDate()))
    print('Notional: ' + str(transactions[t].notional()))
    print('NPV: ' + str(transactions[t].NPV()))

Next, implement the following new module (, which contains specific transaction builder for QuantLib ZeroCouponBond instrument, static class methods for QuantLib-related type conversions and one method for handling a set of given XML files and their conversions into QuantLib objects. Given comments in this module should give crystal clear picture what is happening here.

import os
import importlib
import re as Regex
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # sudo apt-get install python3-bs4
from QuantLib import *

# static class for conversions from string to QuantLib objects/enumerators
class QL():
    def to_date(s):
        monthDictionary = {
            '01': January, '02': February, '03': March,
            '04': April, '05': May, '06': June,
            '07': July, '08': August, '09': September,
            '1': January, '2': February, '3': March,
            '4': April, '5': May, '6': June,
            '7': July, '8': August, '9': September,
            '10': October, '11': November, '12': December
        arr = Regex.findall(r"[\w']+", s)
        day = int(arr[2])
        month = monthDictionary[arr[1]]
        year = int(arr[0])
        return Date(day, month, year)
    def to_businessDayConvention(s):
        if (s.upper() == 'MODIFIEDFOLLOWING'): return ModifiedFollowing
        # add new businessdayconvention here
    def to_calendar(s):
        if (s.upper() == 'TARGET'): return TARGET()
        # add new calendar here

# loop through XML files in a given folder
# for each transaction, read 'transactionBuilder' attribute from XML data
# call configured transaction builder, build transaction and add it to list
# finally, return list of all built QuantLib transactions to client 
def TransactionManager(folder):
    transactions = []
    files = os.listdir(folder)
    for f in range(len(files)):
        soup = BeautifulSoup(open(folder + files[f]).read(), 'xml')
        transactionBuilder = soup.find('transactionBuilder').get_text()
        builder = getattr(importlib.import_module('QuantLibTransactionBuilder'), transactionBuilder)(folder + files[f])
        transaction = builder
    return transactions

# method for constructing QuantLib 'ZeroCouponBond' object from a given XML data 
def ZeroCouponBondBuilder(filePathName):
    # assign transaction data from XML to variables using soup
    # use conversion class methods for all QuantLib-related conversion 
    soup = BeautifulSoup(open(filePathName).read(), 'xml')
    tradeDate = QL.to_date(soup.find('tradeDate').get_text())
    settlementDate = QL.to_date(soup.find('settlementDate').get_text())
    calendar = QL.to_calendar(soup.find('calendar').get_text())
    faceAmount = float(soup.find('faceAmount').get_text())
    maturityDate = QL.to_date(soup.find('maturityDate').get_text())
    paymentConvention = QL.to_businessDayConvention(soup.find('paymentConvention').get_text())
    settlementDays = settlementDate - tradeDate 
    # create QuantLib object by calling appropriate constructor
    return ZeroCouponBond(settlementDays, calendar, faceAmount, maturityDate, paymentConvention)

All desired new transaction builders should be implemented into previous module by adding another builder method. Also, corresponding builder method name should be also set into transaction XML file as one input parameter.


Needless to say, one should also add all required new conversion methods from their string presentation to QuantLib objects into previous module. The original C# implementation can be found in here. Thanks for reading my blog.

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